Wednesday, 13 December 2017

المتاجرة في مرحلة ما بعد على الانترنت ، هامبتون - الطرق

الوقت للحياة المحكمة العليا تلغي إدانات الفساد الفدرالية للحاكم السابق بوب مكدونيل قرار إجماعي من المحكمة يختفي الحكم ويرسله إلى الدائرة الرابعة. المحكمة العليا تنقض إدانات الفساد الفيدرالية من قبل الحاكم السابق بوب مكدونيل قرار إجماعي من المحكمة يختفي الحكم ويرسله إلى الدائرة الرابعة. ارتفاع معدل الالتحاق بالمدارس الهندسية، لكن توظيف النساء والأمريكيين من أصل أفريقي لا يزال يشكل تحديا، ويزيد عدد الطلاب الملتحقين بالمدارس الهندية، ولكن توظيف النساء والأمريكيين من أصل أفريقي لا يزال يشكل تحديا، في حين أن توظيف النساء والأمريكيين من أصل أفريقي لا يزال يمثل تحديا فرجينيا بيزنس تعلن عن فائزين بجائزة فرجينيا كفو الجوائز يتم التعرف على كبار الموظفين الماليين في خمس فئات. فرجينيا بزنس تعلن عن فائزين بجائزة فرجينيا كفو يتم التعرف على كبار الموظفين الماليين في خمس فئات. وظائف جديدة في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والصحة الحيوية ومراكز البيانات تساعد المنطقة انتعاش من التخفيضات الاتحادية أصبحت ولاية فرجينيا الشمالية المؤمن الحقيقي في قوة القطاع الخاص. وظائف جديدة في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والصحة الحيوية ومراكز البيانات تساعد المنطقة انتعاش من التخفيضات الاتحادية أصبحت ولاية فرجينيا الشمالية المؤمن الحقيقي في قوة القطاع الخاص. إدارة الخدمات العامة يختار مقاطعة فريدريك لموقع جديد سجلات مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي معقدة وكالة تشتري موقع 59 فدانا ل 4.7 مليون. إدارة الخدمات العامة يختار مقاطعة فريدريك لموقع جديد مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي سجلات معقدة وكالة تشتري موقع 59 فدانا ل 4.7 مليون. Christmas في الفتيل الثلاثاء، 13 ديسمبر 2011. 5:00 مساء ويسر جمعية هامبتون ويك لدعوة الجميع في هامبتون ويك ل لدينا مساء السنوية من تراتيل عيد الميلاد وزيارة من الأب عيد الميلاد. حفظ التاريخ 13 ديسمبر برنامج الأحداث: 05:00 تلبية للمشروبات في المكتبة 6:00 موكب من المكتبة إلى شجرة عيد الميلاد في ساحة سانت جونز كارول الغناء 6:30 مساء عيد الميلاد الأب يصل مع الهدايا لجميع الأطفال. طلب التبرع: نحن نحصل على منحة صغيرة من المجلس ولكن هذا لا يكفي أبدا لتغطية تكاليف الأضواء، ويقدم الخ، والمنحة يتم تخفيض هذا العام لذلك سوف نعتمد على كرم الشركات والأفراد في الفتيل أكثر من أي وقت مضى. يرجى الحصول على اتصال إذا كنت يمكن أن تساعد. ونحن جميعا نتطلع إلى رؤية الجميع في 13 ديسمبر لهذا الحدث الساحر هامبتون ويك عيد الميلاد سعيد جمعية هامبتون ويك. نورمانزفيلد: ليلة في الأوبرا السبت، 22 أكتوبر 2011. 7:30 مساء نورمانزفيلد المسرح. تيدينغتون تيكيتس 20 من 0845 230 0372 تجربة 20 أوبرا في ليلة واحدة مجيدة يسرنا أن أوبرا أوك سوف تقدم أداء إضافي من 8220A ليلة في الأوبرا 8221 يوم 22 أكتوبر 2011. وقد عقد هذا الحدث في مارس 2011 وبيعها على الفور. البرنامج سوف يكون هو نفسه مع المدلى بها مختلفة من المطربين سواء الأوبرا العادية يذهب أم لا، ليلة في أوبرا هو مساء لجميع عشاق الموسيقى والمسرح لتذوق. سيتم اتخاذ الجمهور في رحلة من خلال العديد من اللحظات الأكثر شهرة التي أوبرا والمسرح والموسيقى يمكن أن توفر، مع المفضلة مثل Puccini8217s 8220O ميو بابينو cara8221 (الشهير الشفة مزامنة النجاح الهزلي من قبل روان أتكينسون في فيلم 8220Mr Bean8217s Holiday8221) دويتس الشهيرة من 8220 ذي بيرل فيشرز 8221 و دويتس الشهيرة من اللؤلؤة الصيادين و لاكم (الذي يعرف الجميع الآن باسم الإعلان الخطوط الجوية البريطانية)، وبالطبع مجموعة من لحظات أكثر سامية من موزارت. للجمال الهائل هناك فيلجا من الأرملة ميري مون كوور حيث دليلة الشهيرة يفوز في قلب سامسون والصلاة المسائية من هانسيل أمبير جريتل. أو للدراما الصاخبة هناك أغنية توريدورس من كارمن تليها هابانيرا ضعيفة مغر ثم لإنهاء النصف الأول، برينديزي من لا ترافياتا. انها ليست قفزة صعبة من الأوبرا الكاملة، إلى الأوبريت، ومن ثم إلى الموسيقى 8211 وكثير منهم بعد أن كتبت من قبل الملحنين خطيرة مثل جيرشوين وبرنشتاين. رش في بين بضع سوبريسس وأعلى كل ذلك قبالة مع معظم الأغنية الشهيرة في كل العصور، نيسون دورما. أكثر ما يمكن أن تريده لمساعدة الجمهور على التواصل مع المطربين، سيكون هناك الراوي وضع المشهد للأرقام وإعطاء خلفية صغيرة لكل من العروض. سوف أوبرا أوكس سولوستس الموهوبين توفر لك مع 20 أمسيات تشغيلية توالت في ليلة واحدة المجيدة تذاكر هي 20 ومتاحة الآن من شباك التذاكر 0845 230 0372 نورمانزفيلد: دعابة نويل كوارد - يحتفل بها غوردون بيترز السبت 19 نوفمبر 2011. 7: 30 مساء السبت. 19 نوفمبر 2011، 7.30 مساء نورمانزفيلد تذاكر المسرح. 15 من 0845 230 0372 بعد نجاح احتفال فلاندرز وسوان، غوردون بيترز وديفيد كلارك يعودون مع فكاهة نويل كوارد في 19 نوفمبر. هذا هو عرض سوبر آخر على أساس الأغاني الكوميديا ​​من سيد، الذي ولد في عرضي في تدنغتون. إلى جانب المفضلة المعتادة، جنون الكلاب واللغة الإنجليزية، منازل ستيلي، سيكون هناك أيضا أرقام أخرى مثل هل يمكن إرضاء لنا مع بندقية برين، وهذا هو نهاية الأخبار وغيرها الكثير. تذاكر 15 متاحة الآن من شباك التذاكر 0845 230 0372. ليسلي ألاباف لانغدون مدير مركز داونز متلازمة داونز T: 0845 230 0372 F: 0845 230 0373 downs-syndrome. org. uk ذكرى الأحد 13 نوفمبر الاحد، 13 نوفمبر 2011. 10:30 صباحا ذكرى يوم الأحد هو يوم خاص جدا في هامبتون ويك. وهناك موكب ضخم من السكان المحليين، بقيادة الفرقة مسيرة، سيرا على الأقدام من خارج الغابات من خلال شارع العليا إلى الحديقة التذكارية. وتعقد خدمة لتكريم السقوط، وفي نهاية المطاف توقف الشرطة حركة المرور حتى نتمكن من المشاركة في صمت حقيقي، كسر في نهاية المطاف من قبل سبر آخر مشاركة. هذا العام، سوف تويكنهام البحر كاديتس و هامبتون المحكمة قصر الحرس الانضمام إلينا. بعد الخدمة، والحانات المحلية توفر المرطبات حتى نتمكن من الحديث عن وتذكر التضحية من الخدمات المسلحة لدينا. يجتمع في 10:30 صباحا خارج الغابات. بازار الخريف السبت، 22 أكتوبر 2011. 2:00 مساء قاعة بولين (من قبل المكتبة)، هامبتون ويك. القبول 20p. وتشمل الأكشاك: الكعك، ومحلات البقالة، والزجاجات، ومواد التجميل، والهدايا والمجوهرات، والكتب، بريك-a-براك، التركيب. بالإضافة إلى الشاي والسحب. ويدير البازار من قبل هامبتون ويك أمب جنوب تدنغتون نادي زمالة جيدة لجمع الأموال للنادي الذي يوفر الاجتماعية الأسبوعية لكبار السن من القرية. الاتصال آن باترسبي على 020 8977 0737 لمزيد من المعلومات. حفلة موسيقية: الرجل المسلح من قبل كارل جينكينز الجمعة 9 ديسمبر 2011. 7:30 بيإم كينغستون ونيفرزيتي 8217s غرفة جوقة يعود إلى كنيسة سانت جون 8217s، هامبتون ويك لأداء كارل جنكينز 8217 8220 الرجل المسلح 8221 و Haydn8217s 8220Mass في زمن الحرب (باوكنميس) 8221. سيجري الجوقة الدكتور ديفيد أوسبون ويرافقه السيد مايكل جولة مع جامعة كينغستون النحاس و قرع فرقة. تصف مجلة فم الكلاسيكية كارل جينكينز بالتالي: 8220As الملحن، وقال انه يعترف لا حدود 8211 الموسيقية والتجارية والجغرافية أو الثقافية. له هو وسيلة للتفكير وتأليف هذا هو تماما في تناغم مع روح العصر 82308221. وتشمل موسيقاه مليون أديموس مبيعا (ظهرت في الإعلان دلتا الخطوط الجوية الشهيرة). يو تيوب فيديو 8211 مقتطف من أديموس (فقط انقر على x لإغلاق الإعلان إذا كنت تحصل على واحد) الرجل المسلح، الذي عرض لأول مرة في قاعة الملكي ألبرت في أبريل 2000، يبدأ مع جيش مسيرة وضرب الطبول العسكرية، الأوركسترا وبناء تدريجيا إلى مدخل الجوقات، والغناء موضوع القرن 15 لحن الرجل المسلح. وقد وصفت بأنها 8220a فيريبومب من الأوركسترا والأصوات البشرية 8221. ويعتبر هايدن واحدة من أهم الملحنين من الفترة الكلاسيكية. بدونه، يمكن القول أنه لم يكن هناك موزارت، أو في الواقع بيتهوفن. وكتب 8220Missa في تيمبور Belli8221 (القداس في زمن الحرب) في 1796 كما نابليون يتقدم على فيينا، حيث كان من المقرر أن يؤديها. في بعض الأحيان غنائية، في بعض الأحيان المشؤومة، وهذا العمل مبدع ينتهي مع نداء من أجل السلام 8211 8220Dona نوبيس pacem8221. وكان حفل الكورال الذي قدمته جوقة غرفة جامعة كينغستون في الإعداد الرائع للكنيسة سانت John8217s نجاحا ناجحا في العام الماضي. تذاكر الأسعار 5 (2 نوس) سوف تكون متاحة على الباب، أو يرجى البريد الالكتروني l. vosskingston. ac. uk لحجز التذاكر مقدما. خدمة كريستينجل الأحد، 11 ديسمبر 2011. 10:00 صباحا كنيسة سانت جون 8217s، كنيسة غروف، هامبتون ويك كارول خدمة عشية عيد الميلاد بالتواصل المقدسي الأسرة يوم عيد الميلاد خدمة هو مجموعة الاتصال الشرطة أمبير أكثر أمانا فريق الحي اجتماع أمب الجمعية العامة العادية مستقبل تدنغتون مستشفى التذكارية صنع في هامبتون ويك عيد الميلاد الحرف معرض الزواج دورة الإعدادية الخيرية معاينة نهر غارث استوديو مفتوح عيد الميلاد ترولس من قبل شموع عيد الميلاد خدمة الصباح شجرة عيد الميلاد بيع كارمن في نورمانزفيلد مسرح كارمن في نورمانزفيلد قاعة الموسيقى الرائعة في مسرح نورمانزفيلد أنا لا أصدق في نورمانزفيلد مسرح هاملت في نورمانزفيلد مسرحية أفعل صدق في نورمانزفيلد مسرح جيلبرت أمب سوليفان في نورمانزفيلد على أجنحة أغنية في نورمانزفيلد كوميدي تونيت في نورمانزفيلد كوزي مروحة توت في نورمانزفيلد أنا أؤمن في نورمانزفيلد مسرح قطرة في حدث: خدمات الأطفال في تدنغتون ميموريال مستشفى استشارة المجتمع: تدنغتون ميموريال مستشفى اجتماع عام: ذي مستقبل أوف تدنغتون ميموريال هوسبيتال السمك أمب رقائق العشاء مسابقة ليلة صغيرة لا تزال جميلة جيفيكا الثقة مع زاك غولدزميث دع قلبك الغناء الغناء ورشة عمل نبل البيت المفتوح الكستناء الاجتماع العام الأحد - الأولمبياد و هامبتون ويك هو الاتصال فريق الشرطة اجتماع نورمانزفيلد: الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل تدنغتون مدرسة بيع مصنع تدنغتون التذكارية رابطة الأصدقاء أغم فبهب الحديث: الألعاب الأولمبية و البارالمبية أمب بوشي بارك استوديو مفتوح في المعونة من هوينز وايلد لندن - مهرجان للملكة تدينغتون الفنانين المعرض 12-13 مايو أفضل هامبتون ويك رافل الماس اليوبيل حزب خارج الغابات كينغستون بريدج بوت ريسيدنتس بارتي هامبتون ويك باند لايف غلامورغان رود جوبيلي ستريت بارتي هامبتون ويك كنيسة المعمدانية جوبيلي سيلبراشيون خدمة اليوبيل من الشكر والصلاة غولدن إي في ذا سوان لملوك يوبيل كينغز آند كوينز في ذا سوان فود من الكومنولث اليوبيل الاحتفال هامبتون ويك أوليمبيكس بريفينغ هامبتون فريق الاتصال الشرطة ويك الملوك الميدان الجماعة يوم وات إر-وايس حدائق مع كليف الغربية الأولمبية يوم المرح، هو الكنيسة المعمدانية يعيش أولمبياد الشاشة الكبيرة التغطية، بالإضافة إلى الحرف معرض الحرة الأولمبياد حزب أمبير للشواء أولمبياد الحزب في سانت جونز تورش نهر التقوية بدءا من بوشي بارك يوم مفتوح في سانت جونز جيفيكا الثقة المشي ل المياه الحرة الأعمال الشبكات مساء عيد الميلاد الحرفية معرض عيد الميلاد في سانت جونز يوم عيد الميلاد في هامبتون ويك الكنيسة المعمدانية هامبتون ويك مهرجان التراث مهرجان الافتتاح الأسرة أمب التاريخ المحلي بحث ورشة عمل التاريخ المحلي قصة الوقت بوبس هامبتون ويك أمب بورغوينز بويتيارد هامبتون ويك البحث عن الكنز هامبتون ويك التاريخ ثيمد ستوري تايم هامبتون ويك قرميد من الطوب التاريخ المحلي المشي تذمر اجتماع العائلة أمب التاريخ المحلي ورشة بحثية هامبتون ويك حوادث السكك الحديدية تاريخ الأسرة جلسات الطهي عيد بودسي متعة عيد الميلاد عروض خاصة في هامبتون ويك محلات حول كينغستون جسر الحرفية معرض هامبتون ويك عيد الميلاد تراتيل عيد الميلاد في القديس، العلامات، كارولز، بجانب، الشموع تقليدي، عشية عيد الميلاد، بالتواصل، كر إب سيرفيس أت ست ماركس حفلة عيد الميلاد هناك الحلو الموسيقى غرفة الموسيقى الحفل لا بوهيم، 2 أمبير 3 مارس مجرد أغنية في الشفق 8 أمبير 9 مارس شغال في الحياة اليومية - مكتبة الحديث الغناء ورشة كينفيغ هيل أمبير منطقة ذكر صوت جوقة شعبية ضوء كورال الموسيقى حفل ليالي الصيف في فيينا وباريس النقل من البهجة: العالم كوماندرال من فلاندرز و سوان رخام هيل المغنين الحيوان المفرقعات البحر كاديتس جومبل بيع الشرطة الاتصال اجتماع الشرطة الاتصال الاتصال الشرطة الاتصال اجتماع الشرطة الاتصال اجتماع هامبتون ويك الشبكات المساء مستقبل الحدائق لدينا هوا السنوي اجتماع الجمعية العامة بيع مصنع في تدنغتون مدرسة دع قلبك ورشة عمل ديبورا كوهينس أسرار الأسرة قراصنة بنزانس 16-20 يوليو قراصنة بنزانس ماتيني هوينز مايو معرض الكستناء الأحد هوينز كبير أعلى مايو معرض ريتشموند في بلوم جوائز إطلاق هو الملكي نادي الكريكيت 150th عيد ميلاد هيثرو توسع، ضخم، رالي الباروكي، ب، أداة تعريف إنجليزية غير معروفة، سومرس، المساء، كوريستن، إستهل، ضوء، هامبتون، إستقبال يقيمه الملك، إبيتيون في نبل آرت إكسيبيتيون أت نبل تدنغتون ميموريال هوسبيتال أغم سيرفيس فور بات بارسونز رايلواي عرض التاريخ 15 يونيو - 27 يوليو عرض سكة حديدية عرض 15 يونيو - 27 يوليو مساء الشبكات التجارية هامبتون ويك مهرجان أمب جراند باراد داونز متلازمة خطوة كبيرة إلى الأمام حزب الشعب الكمبودي اجتماع والشرطة الجمعية العامة العادية جراحة الاتصال عيد الميلاد الحرفية معرض تراتيل عيد الميلاد في هامبتون ويك هوا الأسماك أمبير رقاقة مسابقة ليلة تاريخ مستشفى نورمانزفيلد تلبية الشرطة لقاء الشرطة تلبية ذكرى الشرطة الأحد جون ألتمان الحديث عن الخرف المعرض العام - فيلما بوثوس خطط بوشي البيت عطلة نهاية الاسبوع عطلة نهاية الأسبوع نورمانزفيلد عطلة نهاية الأسبوع المفتوحة هوينز، يوم فتح، عيد ميد، إتفق، إلى، التزويد والنقل، جونز، اطفال، كارول، خدمة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، جونز عيد ميد، كارول، خدمة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، جونز، عيد ميد، حواء التوراة المقدسة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، جونز، عيد ميد، خدمة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، جونز، الترويض، بجانب، الشموع، إلى، ال التعريف، عيد ميد، يوم عيد الميلاد، تكتل سياسي، إلى، القلب المقدس، أدفن t، كارول، خدمة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، العلامات، كريستنغل، خدمة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، العلامات، كوليس، جوقة، إلى، التزويد والنقل، جونز، - الكنيسة المعمدانية احتفال عيد الميلاد - الكنيسة المعمدانية التاريخ المحلي نقاش الخيرية القهوة الصباح شجرة عيد الميلاد بيع السبت، 7 ديسمبر 2013. 9:00 صباحا 9:00 حتي 12 ظهرا هامبتون ويك الرضع والحضانة مدرسة نورمانزفيلد الجادة دعم مدرستنا المحلية وشراء الحقيقي الخاص بك 8216non-drop8217 شجرة عيد الميلاد، من، هوينز. جميع الأحجام المتاحة بأسعار تنافسية للغاية. بالإضافة إلى 8211 زيارة مغارة Santa8217s، والتمتع المرطبات احتفالي، الأطفال 8217s أكتيس الحرفية وأكثر من ذلك بكثير. نظمتها مدرسة أصدقاء هامبتون ويك للرضع والحضانة (الجمعية الخيرية رقم 10844099) مجموعة القراءة السبت 1 فبراير 2014. 11:00 ص هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة اجتماع غير رسمي حية لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت 1 مارس 2014 الساعة 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت، 5 أبريل / نيسان 2014. 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة الكتب لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. مجموعة القراءة السبت، 3 مايو 2014. 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك مكتبة القراءة المجموعة السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00am 8211 12 ظهرا توفر مجموعة القراءة المكتبة اجتماعا غير رسمي حية لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب الأحد، 1 يونيو / حزيران 2014. 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت 5 يوليو / تموز 2014. 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت، 2 أغسطس 2014. 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك مكتبة القراءة المجموعة السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00am 8211 12 ظهرا توفر مجموعة القراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حية لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت 6 سبتمبر 2014 الساعة 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت 4 أكتوبر 2014 الساعة 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت 1 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني 2014. 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا تقدم مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. ريادينغ غروب السبت 6 ديسمبر 2014 الساعة 11:00 صباحا هامبتون ويك ليبراري ريادينغ غروب السبت الأول من كل شهر 11.00 صباحا 8211 12 ظهرا توفر مجموعة قراءة المكتبة لقاء غير رسمي حيوي لمناقشة الكتب في بيئة مكتبة ودية. وتركز المناقشات على تبادل الخبرات الشخصية حول الكتاب الذي قرأته، والمشاهد المفضلة لديك، وكيف جعلت تشعر، أم لا تحب الشخصيات وما إلى ذلك حتى لا يهم إذا كنت لا تدير لإنهاء الكتاب، وتأتي فقط على طول و سماع ما يقوله الآخرون. كل شيء عن الاسترخاء والمتعة. مجموعات القراءة هي وسيلة جيدة للقاء أشخاص جدد وتبادل شغفك للقراءة. فهي وسيلة رائعة لمحاولة الخروج من مجموعة من الكتب والمؤلفين المختلفة، وتطوير وتحدي عادات القراءة الخاصة بك. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاتصال بمكتبة هامبتون ويك على الرقم 020 8734 3358 أو إرسال رسالة إلى أحد الموظفين. نورمانزفيلد مسرح جولة السبت، 8 فبراير 2014. 10:00 صباحا نورمانسفيلد مسرح نقاش وجولة السبت 8 فبراير من 10 am-12midday ساعة واحدة الحديث عن تاريخ نورمانزفيلدس الصف 2 المدرجة المسرح الفيكتوري تليها المشي موجهة حول غرف الظهر والظهر وعرض مجموعة مختارة من الشقق الفيكتورية المستعادة التي تصور مجموعة متنوعة من المناظر الطبيعية. وسيتم تقديم المرطبات الخفيفة. الأماكن محدودة ويجب حجزها مسبقا على 0333 1212 300. تكلفة 10 للشخص الواحد. على خطى الدكتور جون لانغدون أسفل السبت، 12 أبريل 2014. 10:00 صباحا على خطى الدكتور جون لانغدون أسفل: سيرا على الأقدام حول نورمانزفيلد السبت 12 أبريل من 10:00 حتي 12 منتصف النهار تبدأ هذه الجولة مع الحديث عن تطور نورمانزفيلد وتاريخها من خلال الخرائط والصور. وبعد ذلك سوف تتجول المجموعة حول موقع نورمانسفيلد الأصلي لتحديد موقع المباني المفقودة والعثور على تلك التي تبقى. هذا المشي حوالي 1 ميل وعلى الرغم من أن معظمها على الأرصفة، وسوف تشمل بعض المسارات الخشنة والمناطق العشب. وسيتم تقديم المرطبات الخفيفة. الأماكن محدودة ويجب حجزها مسبقا على 0333 1212 300. التكلفة 10 للشخص الواحد. حسنا اجتمع مرة أخرى في نورمانزفيلد الجمعة، 31 يناير 2014. 7:45 بيإم حسنا يجتمع مرة أخرى تويكنهام جمعية أوبيراتيك الجمعة 31 يناير إلى 1 فبراير 7.45pm أمبير الماتيني في 2.30 مساء يوم السبت تذاكر: 1110 أو 109 (لأعضاء توبس) تاريخ تويكنهام أوبيراتيك سوسيتي للاحتفال بالذكرى المئوية لبدء الحرب العظمى، مع سينفالونغ أولفاشيونيد جيدة. بما في ذلك الأغاني مثل يلتقي مرة أخرى، والحفاظ على حرائق المنزل حرق، حزم ما يصل مشاكلك والعديد من المفضلة القديمة الموسيقى من القلب في نورمانسفيلد السبت، 15 فبراير 2014. 7:30 مساء الموسيقى من القديس مارغريتس سانت المغنين السبت 15 فبراير في 7.30 مساء التذاكر: 12 أو 10 تنازلات من 0333 1212 300 أنشئت في عام 2012، ومغني سانت مارغريتس تتمتع بسمعة متزايدة كجوقة غرفة للتميز في منطقة ريتشموند. وهم يرسمون أعضائهم، وجميع المغنين الكوراليين ذوي الخبرة العالية، من منطقة واسعة من جنوب غرب لندن وخارجها. مع ذخيرة واسعة بدءا من حركات عصر النهضة و مادريجالس إلى أحدث التراكيب كورالي، وضعوا على 2-3 حفلات في السنة في الأماكن المحلية. تم استقبال الحفل الأول 8217s للفنان تشوير 8217s في مسرح نورمانزفيلد، 8220There إس Sweet Music8221، مع إشادة، ويسعدهم أن يعودوا بعد ذلك بسنة مع 8220 موسيك من القلب 8221، الاحتفال بيومنتين 8217 يوم تحت عنوان الحب والعاطفة عبر العصور، من أغنية من الأغاني إلى يومنا هذا. جميع عائدات هذا الحفل ذاهبون إلى جمعية متلازمة داونز جون إثيريدج لايف السبت، 26 أبريل 2014. 8:00 مساء جون إيثيريدج يعيش مسرح نورمانسفيلد السبت، 26 أبريل في 8.00 مساء التذاكر: مبيعات مسبقة 8211 1412 تنازلات على مبيعات الباب 8211 1614 تنازلات من 0333 1212 300 جون إثريدج، عازف الجيتار، سيلعب له مجموعة منفردا استحسانا كبيرا. وسوف ينضم إليه المغني الملهم، فيمالا روي، لعدد من الأغاني من جميع أنحاء العالم. مجموعة Etheridge8217s يعكس اهتمامه مدى الحياة في جميع جوانب الغيتار والموسيقى، بدءا من البلوز والأفريقية وجاز إلى موسيقى الروك. جون لعبت مع مثل هذه النجوم مثل ستيفان غرابيلي، جون ويليامز ونيجل كينيدي، وكان عضوا في آلة لينة. جميع العائدات من هذا الحفل تسير إلى جمعية متلازمة داونز. 8220 هذا هو واحد لا يغيب 8221 و أوبسيرفر 8220Few من أقرانه التعامل مع أداة كهربائية مع هذه الحساسية 8221 تايمز أغاني الحرب والسلام الجمعة، 7 مارس 2014. 7:30 مساء أغاني الحرب والسلام كانتانتي كاميراتي نورمانسفيلد مسرح الجمعة، 7 مارس و السبت 8 مارس في 7:30 مساء بما في ذلك الماتي في 8 مارس في 2.30pm التذاكر: 10 من 0333 1212 300، ألبرتس الموسيقى، تويكنهام وجوقة أعضاء كانتانتي كاميراتي هي جوقة غرفة شكلت في عام 1968 الذين يتخصصون في الموسيقى الإنجليزية غير المصحوبين. سيحتفل هذا الحفل ببدء الحرب العالمية الأولى. وسيحتوي النصف الأول على أغانى ما قبل عام 1914 بما في ذلك بعض مادريجالس حول الحرب أو السلام، ولكن أيضا الموسيقى التي كتبها فوغان ويليامز وإدوارد جيرمان، مع بعض مقتطفات من ميري انكلترا. وسيشمل الشوط الثاني أغاني ما بعد عام 1918 من العشرينات والثلاثينات وحتى بعض الأغاني المرتبطة بالحرب العالمية الثانية. هامبتون ويك مهرجان الأحد، 10 أغسطس 2014. 11:00 ص أكبر يوم في هامبتون ويك Don8217t تفوت مهرجان هامبتون ويك من 11 صباحا يوم الأحد 10 أغسطس. هناك 8217ll يكون تيودورس والرقص الفتيات، ستيلتوالكيرز والمهرجين والسيارات خمر والدراجات، دائري والكثير من الأنشطة 8217s الأطفال، معرض الحرفية، والقوارب الشراعية والمهرج، ومئات من بارادرس من الجمعيات الخيرية المحلية والنوادي الرياضية والكنائس ومجموعات المجتمع، ق ق والموسيقى الحية و 8230 الغوريلا في سيديكار. يبدأ المهرجان في الساعة 11 صباحا ويستمر حتى المساء. تسليط الضوء على الموكب الكبير على طول شارع العليا في 12.30 8211 مشهد حقا لا تفوت. انقر هنا لزيارة موقع المهرجان في hwfestival. org. uk وتحقق من الفيديو. إذا كنت ترغب في المشاركة في العرض الكبير، أو أن تأخذ كشكا في معرض كرافت أو تدير منتدى أو مؤسسة خيرية، يرجى التواصل مع mark. buckleyhwfestival. org. uk () دورة دورة الشرطة الخميس، 16 يناير 2014. 10:00 صباحا سوف تقوم شرطةنا المحلية بإدارة جلسة وسم أمن الدراجات يوم الخميس (16) في محطة هامبتون ويك من الساعة 10 صباحا حتى الساعة 12 ظهرا. وتقدم هذه الخدمة مجانا حتى تجلب الدراجة الخاصة بك على طول والمساعدة في مكافحة الجريمة دورة. جراحة الشرطة الثلاثاء، 14 يناير 2014. 2:00 بيإم تعال على طول لتلبية الشرطة المحلية لدينا واحد الى واحد لمناقشة أي مخاوف لديك أو أي أفكار للمساعدة في تحسين السلامة والأمن محليا. L8217 أماندين مقهى، كينغستون الطريق (8216half-way8217) جراحة الشرطة الثلاثاء، 21 يناير 2014. 2:00 م تأتي على طول لتلبية الشرطة المحلية لدينا واحد الى واحد لمناقشة أي مخاوف لديك أو أي أفكار للمساعدة في تحسين السلامة والأمن محليا. مكتبة هامبتون ويك اجتماع المجلس الأمني ​​الأكثر أمانا الأربعاء، 29 يناير 2014 الساعة 7:00 مساء الجميع مرحب بهم لحضور الاجتماع القادم لشراكة الشرطة المجتمعية (مجلس السلامة الآن أكثر أمانا). تاريخ. الأربعاء 29 يناير. 7.00 مساء (المرطبات من 6:30 مساء) المكان. الصالون. يورك هاوس. لندن رود. تويكنهام إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة يرجى الاتصال المحلية لدينا ممثل الجوار ووتش، كريستينا غور على كريستيناغوريهوتمايل. يوم الجمعة 13 فبراير 2014 الساعة 10:00 صباحا سيقوم فريق نقل ريتشموند الآمن بتوفير خدمة وضع العلامات أو التسجيل خارج محطة هامبتون ويك من الساعة العاشرة صباحا وحتى الثانية عشر ظهرا يوم الخميس 13 فبراير. هذا هو فرصة جيدة لتعزيز أمن الدراجة الخاصة بك. أركاديان التايمز - احتفال الاثنين، 31 مارس 2014. 7:00 مساء حدث لجمع التبرعات لدعم استراتيجية المناظر الطبيعية في نهر التايمز. (و هو عضو المجتمع من تلس.) في الإعداد الرائع للقاعة الكبرى في قصر هامبتون المحكمة. وقد وضعت خصيصا الترفيه في الاحتفال بالذكرى ال 20 لاستراتيجية نهر التايمز تتبع قصة رائعة من التايمز أركاديان من ساكسون إلى يومنا هذا في الكلمات والموسيقى والصور. مع السيدة إيلين أتكينز، إيسلا بلير، نيكولاس فاريل، سابينا فرانكلين، جوليان غلوفر، ستيلا غونيت، أدريان غروف، (كلها رهن بالتوافر) جوقة القصر الملكي، هامبتون كورت، مدير الموسيقى كارل جاكسون تريفور أليكساندر، أندرو باين، Kathryn Hide, Barbara Kennedy, Emma Selway Music Director James McConnel Monday 31 March 2014 7 pm Reception in the Cartoon Gallery and presentation of The Richmonds Medal to Sir David Attenborough 8 pm Performance in the Great Hall Gates will open at 6.45 pm Tickets 20, 50 , 250 (gift aid) To book email: tlscag2014gmail or telephone: 020 8948 0643 To raise funds for the Father Thames Trust to support the work of the Thames Landscape Strategy Police Liaison Group Wednesday, 5th March 2014. 7:15 pm Hampton Wick Police Liaison Group Venue: Hampton Wick Baptist Church Hall, 11a Upper Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, KT1 4DL ( THE HALL IS AT THE REAR ) All are welcome. Come and hear about the work of our local police and voice your views on what their priorities should be. Strictly Gershwin Saturday, 10th May 2014. 7:30 pm Presented by The New Foxtrot Serenaders Normansfield Theatre Saturday, 10th May 2014 at 7.30pm Tickets: 12 and 10 concessions from 0333 1212 300 An evening of some of the best loved melodies of George Gershwin. Songs such as Ive Got Rhythm, They cant take that away from me plus many more favourites. 8220The hottest little big band in the South East8230 The New Foxtrot Serenaders look and sound like the real thing. Their style is authentic and nostalgic, with a real feel-good factor. They8217ve performed several times for the Big Band nights at the bandstand, and attracted large, enthusiastic audiences.8221 From theEastbourne Today website. In addition to playing at dances and functions they also put on concert performances in London and the South East of England and have a full programme of events in 2014. Hampton Wick Association AGM Thursday, 27th March 2014. 7:30 pm The 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Hampton Wick Association Thursday 27th March at 7.30pm Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club Bushy Park (Entrance from Park Road by the Timothy Bennet memorial) Come along to hear a report of the year, review the accounts and vote for the committee. If anyone is interested in standing for the committee please email Mark Merrington on merringtonstalktalk . A cash bar will be available. Downs Syndrom Awareness Big Step Forward Sunday, 23rd March 2014. 11:00 am Celebrate this year8217s Down8217s Syndrome Awareness Week by joining the Big Step Forward To coincide with this year8217s Downs Syndrome Awareness Week, this year8217s Big Step Forward has been moved to March. Everyone is invited to join in. The Big Step Forward is a nationwide event to raise awareness and much needed funds for the Downs Syndrome Association and its affiliated groups. The walk itself will take place around the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park on Sunday 23rd March. Participants will meet at the Broomfield Hill car park from 10.30 onwards. The walk starts at 11am and there will be a celebratory drink in a local pub afterwards. Registration for the walk is only 5 per sponsored walker. This cost includes registration costs, sponsor forms and walkers T-shirt. Anyone wishing to walk but not get sponsored can pay just 2 for their T-shirt. If you would like to walk in one of our brand new Keep Calm T-shirts, these can be purchased separately priced at 10 for adults and 8 for children. If youd like to register or for more inforamtion, please contact Alexa Dizon on 0333 121 2300 or email alexa. dizondowns-syndrome. org. uk TeddCare Coffee Morning Saturday, 15th March 2014. 10:30 am Teddington amp Hampton Wick Voluntary Care Group invites everyone for Coffee, tea, Cakes and Books. From 10.30am to 12 noon at The Methodist Church Stanley Road Teddington For transport call the office on 020 8943 3112 Cycle Liaison Group Tuesday, 11th March 2014. 7:00 pm The council8217s public Cycle Liaison Group meeting takes place next Tuesday 11th March at 7pm. The Loggia York House Twickenham Full details and minutes of the last meeting are available by clicking here . If you are a cyclist in the borough come along and make sure that you know what8217s going on and that your views are heard. Richmond Borough in Bloom Merit Awards Thursday, 1st May 2014. 6:00 pm Would you like to join us Richmond Borough in Bloom MERIT AWARDS 2014 Gardening and Floral Display Competitions will be launched with a special celebration evening on Thursday 1st May 2014 From 6.00 pm Strawberry Hill House and Gardens (Waldegrave Road, Twickenham), open for private viewing at your leisure of Horace Walpoles Gothic Castle, the recently restored historic and architectural treasure. Then make your way through to St Marys University (internally connected) for the PIMMS Reception in the library From 7.00 pm Buffet in The Waldegrave Drawing Room Cash bar available Appox 8.15 pm Welcome from Richmond Borough in Bloom Guest speakers: Jennifer Sarginson BSc. (Hons), Dip. Hort. (Kew) Gardener in Charge, Strawberry Hill House The Gardens of Strawberry Hill, Past and Present ltgt Colin Squire 50 Years of Squires Garden Centre Approx 9.30 pm Raffle draw. WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME. This is a TICKET ONLY event and there is limited capacity, so you are advised to book your place early. Ticket price: 12.50 each, includes viewing of Strawberry Hill House, PIMM s reception and buffet supper. TO OBTAIN YOUR TICKET You can pay securely online and download your own ticket(s). Its really quick and easy Simply visit RichmondBoroughinBloom. co. uk and choose the link to the event on the home page 8211 MERIT AWARDS LAUNCH. Then follow through the guideline screens. Or send a cheque (payable to Richmond Borough in Bloom) with your address details to: RBIB , 7 Strawberry Hill Road, Twickenham TW1 4QB Or drop in to Crusaders Travel, Church Street, Twickenham and pay by cheque or cash. Further information from richmondinbloombtconnect. T: 020 8892 4949 or 020 8744 0474 Artists in Residence Launch Event Friday, 4th April 2014. 7:00 pm Painters Photographers Film Makers Blacksmiths Welders Sculptures Musicians Actors Knitters Textiles Writers Illustrators Dancers . NEW GROUP IN HAMPTONWICK ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE Venue: St Johns Church Warehouse At the back of the church next to HSBC car park First Friday of the month Launch April 4th Inspirational talk Not on the scrap heap Deborahs journey working with wood wire nails and steel Time: 7pm 10.30pm Suggested donation: 7.00 Concessions: 5.00 Evening includes: Live Music from local musicians, a complimentary drink, plus: An opportunity for local artists and those that appreciate art to come together in Hampton Wick An opportunity for artists to exhibit and sell their work An opportunity to network with other artists and socialise with others in your local community Each month different artists will exhibit their work with items for sale During the evening an exhibiting artist will give a short presentation about their work Teddington Pram Race - HW Tudors on Tour Sunday, 29th June 2014. 12:00 pm The Hampton Wick Tudors on Tour are taking part in the Teddington Pram Race. The race starts at the Mason8217s Arms in Walpole Road, Teddington and takes in quite a few pubs on the way to the Teddington Village Fair at the Landmark Arts Centre. Come along to show your support and help raise money for local charities including the Downs Syndrome Association, Teddington Memorial Hospital and St John Ambulance. Plant amp Cake Sale Saturday, 10th May 2014. 10:00 am Teddington School PTA Annual Plant amp Cake Sale Saturday 10th May 10am Midday Teddington School, Broom Road, Teddington Superb selection of quality plants at affordable prices direct from a wholesaler: Bedding amp patio plants Perennials Vegetables Shrubs82308230. and much more Plus a great selection of hot and cold refreshments as well ascakes and bacon butties. All profits for the benefit of the pupils at Teddington School (Charity Number: 295617). Viennese Sunrise at Normansfield Sunday, 11th May 2014. 7:30 pm The Teddington Summer Music Festival presents Sunday, 11th May 2014 at 7.30pm Tickets: 12.5010 concessions from 0333 1212 300 After a very successful first summer music festival in 2013, the music festival returns to Normansfield Theatre for the second night on Sunday, 11th May with Viennese Sunrise. The highly regarded Artesian Quartet perform Beethovens String Quartet in E Minor, and Haydn8217s String Quartet in Bb, Op 76 No.4 (the 8216Sunrise8217). Tony Lamb (clarinet) joins them for Mozart8217s popular Clarinet Quintet in A, K581. Tickets on sale now 8211 0333 1212 300 Local History Walk Saturday, 19th July 2014. 4:00 pm The Hampton Wick Association is delighted to announce that Ray Elmitt will be conducting one of his famous guided walks on Saturday 19 July at 16:00. Join Ray for his walk which will focus on the history of the people and buildings of this area. Lasts 1.5 hours and covers 1.5 miles. Starts at Hampton Wick Library Saturday 19 July 4:00pm Walk 4 Honour Saturday, 2nd August 2014. 2:00 pm Go the extra mile for Britain8217s bravest. Three mile sponsored walk along Richmond Riverside to raise money to support the Armed Forces Community and their families. Start at the Richmond Royal British Legion Club. End with an evening of entertainment and BBQ until 10pm. 10 per person to enter, discounts for groups. Non-participants welcome 8211 a perfect faily day out. Contact Natalie Sjosvard for more information and to sign up. The Richmond Royal British Legion Club is at: Ferguson Hall Park Lane Richmond Surrey TW9 2RA Great War Lives Wednesday, 24th September 2014. 7:00 pm Alison Merrington has been a resident of Hampton Wick for 17 years. During that time she has often attended the Remembrance Day parades to the War Memorial located on the Hampton Wick side of Kingston bridge near the entrance to Home Park. She was eager to shed some light on the lives of those commemorated on the memorial using all available archival sources. Alison8217s talk 8211 Great War Lives 8211 focuses on a small sample of the Hampton Wick men who fought and fell in WW1. She will also discuss how she discovered the biographical information. Alison8217s talk is at Hampton Wick Library on Wednesday 24th September at 7pm. Tickets are 2 each and can be booked at the library or purchased on the door. HW Film at Festival Thursday, 29th May 2014. 6:15 pm The second annual Twickenham Alive Film Festival Screenings and Awards will take place on Thursday 29th May in the student theatre at St Marys University, Strawberry Hill. The doors open at 6.15 pm and the screenings start at 7.00 pm. The student bar adjoins the theatre providing a full bar at club prices. A variety of films will be screened including those about the Borough, animations, dramas and some interesting music videos. The Hampton Wick Association has entered the short film made for us by Alan Benns at last year8217s Summer Festival, so come along and show your support. 82208221:twickenhamalive twickenhamalive() Police Liaison Group Wednesday, 11th June 2014. 6:15 pm HAMPTON WICK POLICE LIAISON GROUP MEETING WEDNESDAY 11TH JUNE 2014 7.15pm Hampton Wick Baptist Church Hall, 11a Upper Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, KT1 4DL Tel: 020 8977 1279 AGENDA 1. Welcome from Acting Chair and apologies for absence 2. Guest Speaker Carole Atkinson, Chair of the Safer Neighbourhood Board. Carole will be talking to us about the Future of the new SNB and how this will affect the PLG s. 3. To agree the Minutes of the last meeting 4. Matters arising that do not appear on the Agenda 5. General Reports from the Police 6. Concerns from the Community not already covered (Please notethese should be purely PLG matters) 7. Report on amp Set Priorities for the Ward Previous Priorities: Anti Social Behaviour Burglary River related issues 8. Any Other PLG Business as notified to the Chair. Artists in Residence Friday, 6th June 2014. 7:00 pm Painters Photographers Film Makers Blacksmiths Welders Sculptures Musicians Actors Knitters Textiles Writers Illustrators Dancers . NEW GROUP IN HAMPTONWICK. ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE Venue: St Johns Church Warehouse At the back of the church next to HSBC car park Church Grove, Hampton Wick, KT1 4AL First Friday of the month Next meeting June 6th This month 8211 Painting drawing and much much more Please bring along any art work you want to, to show others old new or work in progress Time: 7pm 10.30pm Admission 5 Soft drink provided. Please bring a bottle and or plate of finger food to share with others if you would like to. An opportunity for local artists and those that appreciate art to come together in Hampton Wick An opportunity for artists to exhibit and sell their work An opportunity to network with other artists and socialise with others in your local community Each month different artists will exhibit their work with items for sale During the evening an exhibiting artists will give short presentations about their work Rock Choir at Normansfield Friday, 27th June 2014. 7:30 pm THE CHOIR THAT ROCKS Enjoy a magical, uplifting performance from the UK8217s favourite contemporary choir. Normansfield Theatre 27th, 28th and 29th June at 7.30pm Tickets: 10 from 0333 1212 300 If you like to sing you8217ll love Rock Choir Visit rockchoir to find out more Marbles by Moonlight Saturday, 5th July 2014. 7:30 pm Marble Hill Singers present Marbles by Moonlight at the Normansfield Theatre on Saturday, 5th July 2014 at 7.30pm Conducted by Helen Price with Hamish Dustagheer on piano, Marble Hill Singers return to Normansfield Theatre for a charity performance with all proceeds going to the Downs Syndrome Association. Classics such as Moon River, Tonight (West Side Story), Blue Moon, and works by Saint-Saens, Sullivan, Chilcott and Gjelo will delight the audience. Tickets are 10 from 0333 1212 300. Dick Barton at Normansfield Saturday, 27th September 2014. 7:30 pm This is the zany spoof of the classic BBC 1940s detective series 8220Dick Barton 8211 Special Agent8221 8211 instalment one. Phil Willmott8217s award-winning script is presented radio style by this all-singing, all-dancing, all-playing-instruments team known as Kaos Kabaret, who are experienced entertainers in their own right. You will laugh your head off at their antics. The show appears by special arrangement with the BBC . Normansfield Theatre 27th September at 7.30pm Tickets are 10 advance bookings, or 12 on the door from 0333 1212 300 Great Expectations at Normansfield Saturday, 18th October 2014. 7:30 pm Derek Grant presents Charles Dickens classic story Great Expectations on Saturday, 18th October 2014 at 7.30pm at the Normansfield Theatre, Teddington. Enter the world of Charles Dickens in the company of his great great grandson Gerald Dickens as this remarkable actor performs Dickens masterpiece Great Expectations, playing every character himself. Meet Dickens most memorable characters Pip who has great expectation enigmatic Miss Haversham charming but cold Estella the devious lawyer, Jaggersand the alarming convict, Magwitch. This virtuoso one-man performance is a theatrical experience full of drama and excitement that has had audiences cheering across the world. Gerald will also give a unique insight into the fascinating world of Charles Dickens. A Dickens of a performance Boston Globe A theatrical tour de force North West Evening Mail Tickets: 1412 from 0333 1212 300 That Famous Place, a History of Kingston Wednesday, 3rd September 2014. 7:00 pm Local historian Shaan Butters will talk about the history of Kingston from earliest times to the present day as covered in the speaker8217s new book. Venue: Hampton Wick Library Tickets: 2 each from the Library or online by clicking this link . Friends of HW Library Friday, 24th October 2014. 7:00 pm Meeting to discuss the formation of the Friends of Hampton Wick Library. Friday 24th October 2014, 7.00 8211 8.00pm Hampton Wick Library Bennet Close KT1 4AT Police Liaison Group Wednesday, 12th November 2014. 7:00 pm The next Meeting of the Hampton Wick Police Liaison Group, which is also the A. G.M. will be held as follows: Date: Wednesday 12th November Time: 7.00pm Venue: Upstairs Room, The Adelaide Pub, Park Road, Teddington Please note the new venue as there is no money available to pay for the Baptist Church Hall. Please see below for the Agenda together. If there are any apologies, please email Hampton Wick PLG Secretary Christina Gore: christinagorehotmail . Christina will also be able to send you a copy of the MInutes of the previous meeting. 1. Welcome and apologies for absence from Christina Gore as Acting Chair is unable to attend. 2. A. G.M. election of Chair, Secretary and if required Minute Secretary. 3. To agree the Minutes of the last meeting (held on 24.9.14) 4. Matters arising that do not appear on the Agenda 5. General Reports from the Police 6. Concerns from the Community not already covered PLG matters) 7. Report on amp Set Priorities for the Ward Previous Priorities: Anti Social Behaviour Burglary River related issues 8. Questions for Safer Neighbourhood Board The meeting will be asked to consider an answer to the following questions: Did the Safer Neighbourhood (police) TeamBorough address the concerns raised by the PLG. and act on them Did residents, visitors, business people feel safe on the streets of the ward If an unexpected crime, or crimes, or other public safety concern (plane crashfloodspower cuts, etc) arose, did the local police respond quickly and correctly 9. Any Other PLG Business as notified to the Chair 10. Date and time of next Meeting: tbc Who Let the Dads Out Saturday, 13th September 2014. 10:00 am St Johns Church have announced a new group for dads and their toddlers. The group is called Who Let The Dads Out Its starting on Saturday (13th) then running every second Saturday of the month from 10-11:30am and its for dads and their preschool kids. Bacon butties, toys, a craft activity, and lots of other dads to chat with. Theres no charge. Meet at St Johns Hampton Wick (Church Grove, Hampton Wick, KT1 4AL). For more information contact joelstjohnshamptonwick. org Coffee Morning Saturday, 20th September 2014. 10:30 am Teddington amp Hampton Wick Voluntary Care Group invite you to a Coffee Morning. Come along and enjoy coffee, tea, cakes and books, and support this group of friendly volunteers who assist the elderly, the disabled and others in our local area who need a helping hand. From 10.30am to 12 noon, Saturday 20th September The Methodist Church Stanley Road, Teddington (opposite Teddington Memorial Hospital) If you require transport please call the office on 020 8943 32112. HWA Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, 6th December 2014. 10:00 am Locally made crafts, cakes, jewellery, Christmas cards and gift ideas. In front of the White Hart, Hampton Wick (by Kingston Bridge) on Saturday 6th December, 11am to 4pm. Come along and browse the goodies while enjoying a glass of Robbie8217s mulled wine. If you8217re interested in taking a stall, please contact Sharon Bastion on 07950 305 370 or businesshamptonwick. org. uk Talk: The social history of learning disability Saturday, 8th November 2014. 11:00 am A talk about the life of Dr John Langdon Down and Normansfield which brought a revolutionary and enlightened approach to the care of those with all forms of learning disability. The talk will look at the development and management of Normansfield from 1868 until its closure in 1997 and changes that have occurred in the care of people with disabilities. Light refreshments will be provided. Cost: 5 per person. Participants must book a place in advance: Call: 0333 1212 300 Email: Lesley Alabaf. lesley. alabafdowns-syndrome. org. uk() () Normansfield Theatre Talk and Tour Saturday, 7th February 2015. 10:00 am A one hour talk about Normansfields Grade II listed Victorian theatre. The talk will discuss why it came to be built and its purpose in the daily life of the hospital. The fixtures and fittings will be examined in detail. There will be a guided walk around the theatre, stage and back rooms. Also on show will be a selection of restored Victorian flats depicting a variety of scenery. Light refreshments will be provided. Cost: 10 per person. Participants must book a place in advance: Call: 0333 1212 300 Email: Lesley Alabaf. lesley. alabafdowns-syndrome. org. uk Hampton Wick Christmas Carols Wednesday, 10th December 2014. 5:30 pm Don8217t miss Hampton Wick8217s favourite family event of the year 8230 Christmas carol singing and a visit from Santa Claus. Wednesday 10th December Meet at the Library from 5pm before the children8217s procession to the Christmas Tree where we8217ll have traditional Christmas Carols, accompanied by the Fulham Brass Band. Then Father Christmas will arrive with presents for all the children. Organised by the Hampton Wick Association Artists in Residence Friday, 7th November 2014. 8:00 pm ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE IS BACK THIS MONTH Painters Designers Photographers Film Makers Blacksmiths Welders Sculptors Musicians Actors Knitters Textile Designers Writers Illustrators Dancers82308230 Next meeting: this Friday 7th November Venue: St. Johns Church Warehouse At the back of the church next to HSBC car park, Church Grove, Hampton Wick, KT1 4AL This month: Opportunities to Promote Our Work and Workshops Please bring along any artwork you want to, to show others old, new or work in progress New Time: 8pm 8211 10.30pm Admission 5 Soft drink provided. Please bring a bottle andor plate of finger food to share with others if you would like to Contact person: Deborah Miller artistsinresidencehamptonwickgmail 07706 098 777 An opportunity for local artists and those that appreciate art to come together in Hampton Wick An opportunity for artists to exhibit and sell their work An opportunity to network with other artists and socialise with others in your local community Each month different artists will exhibit their work with items for sale During the evening exhibiting artists will give short presentations about their work Heathrow flight trials public meeting Monday, 10th November 2014. 7:30 pm A public meeting about the recent Heathrow flight path trials will be held this coming Monday 10th November. Venue: Teddington Baptist Church, Church Road, Teddington Time: 7.30pm, Monday 10th November If you are concerned about the additional noise caused by the recent trials please come along and have your say. Vince Cable MP chair the meeting. Downs Christmas Concert Tuesday, 9th December 2014. 7:30 pm It just wouldnt be Christmas without the DSAs Christmas Concert Join us in our beautiful theatre for a wonderful evening full of festive cheer. Our very special guests Honor Blackman, Joanna David and Damon Hill OBE will delight us all with merry readings and the fantastic Larondina Dance Company will take to the stage with their own tribute to the festive season. Everyone will have the chance to join in with traditional carols and songs as performed by the excellent Marble Hill Singers. Also included in the ticket price is an arrival drink (and nibbles). We look forward to seeing you for a magical evening of entertainment. Tickets are 20 (adult) and 10 (under 16 amp concessions). Refreshments will be available to buy during the interval. Doors open at 7.00pm. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Fundraising team on: 0333 121 2300 or online here . HWINS Christmas Tree Sale amp Fair Saturday, 6th December 2014. 9:00 am Support our local school Buy your Christmas tree from the HWINS Christmas Tree Sale and Fair on Saturday 6th December. 9.00am to 12 noon Hampton Wick Infants and Nursery School Normansfield Avenue Teddington School Fashion Show Friday, 5th December 2014. 6:30 pm A Dress for all Seasons Fashion Show Friday 5th December 6.30 8211 10pm Student Catwalk and pre-loved clothes sale together w an eclectic mix of stalls from local businesses to include fashion, jewellery, nail bars, local artists, massages and lots more pampering Come along and enjoy a fun Friday night out and maybe even pick up some Christmas bargains. Tickets on door 5 including glass of prosecco Teddington School, Broom Road, Teddington. Contact Lindsay Stallard for more details 8211 teddingtonfashionyahoo. co. uk Christmas Concert at St Johns Tuesday, 9th December 2014. 7:30 pm An evening of music performed by Kingston University choirs and instrumental ensembles. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Christingle Services (various) Sunday, 14th December 2014. 9:00 am At St John8217s Church: 9am and 11am At St Mark8217s Church: 4pm Silent Night Carol Service Sunday, 21st December 2014. 7:30 pm Candlelit service of Carols amp Lessons, with tribute to the 1914 Christmas Truce. Followed by mulled wine amp mince pies St John8217s Church, Church Grove, Hampton Wick Crib Service, St Johns Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 4:00 pm All-age service with a contemporary retelling of the Christmas story. Children are invited to dress as a Nativity character. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Midnight Mass, St Johns Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 11:30 pm Short reflective service with Holy Communion St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Christmas Morning, St Johns Thursday, 25th December 2014. 10:30 am Informal family service with activities for children during the talk. Stay for a glass of sherry to celebrate afterwards. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Good Companions Christmas Lunch Saturday, 13th December 2014. 12:30 pm Good Companions Christmas Lunch (for over 55s) Hampton Wick Baptist Church Upper Teddington Road 020 8977 1279 adminhamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Family Carols, Baptist Church Sunday, 21st December 2014. 10:45 am Family Carol Service 8211 everyone welcome Hampton Wick Baptist Church Upper Teddington Road 020 8977 1279 adminhamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Carols by Candlelight, Baptist Church Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 7:00 pm Hampton Wick Baptist Church Upper Teddington Road 020 8977 1279 adminhamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Christmas Celebration, Baptist Church Thursday, 25th December 2014. 10:30 am Hampton Wick Baptist Church Upper Teddington Road 020 8977 1279 adminhamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Advent Service, St Marks Sunday, 7th December 2014. 4:00 pm St Mark8217s Church with Sacred Heart Church and songs from the children of St John the Baptist School. St Mark8217s Church St Mark8217s Road Music for Christmas Sunday, 14th December 2014. 7:00 pm With Collis Choir and the Ashford Baroque Ensemble. Entry is 10 or 8 for concessions. St Mark8217s Church St Mark8217s Road Crib Service, St Marks Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 5:00 pm St Mark8217s Church St Mark8217s Road First Eucharist, St Marks Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 11:30 pm First Eucharist of Christmas St Mark8217s Church St Mark8217s Road Family Communion, St Marks Thursday, 25th December 2014. 10:00 am St Mark8217s Church St Mark8217s Road Family Mass, Sacred Heart Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 6:30 pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Midnight Mass, Sacred Heart Wednesday, 24th December 2014. 11:30 pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Christmas Day Mass (Sung) Thursday, 25th December 2014. 10:00 am Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Messy Church with crafts Friday, 19th December 2014. 2:30 pm Christmas crafts at the Baptist Church Hampton Wick Baptist Church Upper Teddington Road 020 8977 1279 adminhamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Magnificent Music Hall at Norma nsfield Saturday, 21st March 2015. 7:30 pm The PAPER MOON THEATRE COMPANY have once again the honour to present by overwhelming-demand The Magnificent Musical Matinee. This glittering galaxy of stars from BBC TVs The Good Old Days will delight and entertain with songs, laughter, dance and magic portraying with great wit and warmth this truly golden era. Unmissable This is always a popular event at Normansfield Theatre, so book early to avoid disappointment. Produced and directed by Jan Hunt. Jan Hunt8217s Paper Moon Theatre Company goes from strength to strength with successful performances of their Magnificent Music Hall show which is performed at theatres across the UK, USA. Canada and Scandinavia. Tickets are 18 and 16 for concessions from 0333 1212 300 or email lesley. alabafdowns-syndrome. org. uk. 20 discount at LaCloche Restaurant applies for all pre-booked tickets. Francesco Attesti in Concert at Normansfield Saturday, 25th April 2015. 7:30 pm Works by Schubert, Chopin, Brahms and Gershwin Francesco Attesti is an acclaimed Italian pianist who performs regularly in internationally prestigious concert halls. He has recently completed tours of North and South America. This recital is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Teddington amp the Hamptons and is in aid of SOS. Special Educational Needs a local charity supporting parents of children with special educational needs. (Registered charity No 1153884) Tickets 17.50 (concessions 15) in advance from 0333 1212 300. 20 discount at LaCloche Restaurant applies. Kenfig Hill Male Voice Choir at Normansfield Saturday, 30th May 2015. 7:00 pm We8217re delighted that the Kenfig Hill amp District Male Voice Choir will be returning to Normansfield Theatre for this charity concert in May 2015. Choral singing in Kenfig Hill can be traced as far back as 1890 when the Kenfig Hill Male Voice Party won competitions from as far as the lovely Vale of Glamorgan to the distant coastal town of Swansea. Since those days, many choirs under the Kenfig Hill banner have come and gone. Prior to the formation of the present choir in December 1971, its predecessor was forced to disband through lack of public support in 1949. The choir travels extensively across England and Wales, singing for good causes and charities at many prestigious venues also across the seas to Southern Ireland, France, Germany, Canada and Norway. In 2004, the choir gave a series of concerts in Poland its first excursion into Eastern Europe. Such was the success the choir was invited back in 2008. Furthering its East European links the choir in 2007 gave two concerts in Tallin and Rapla in Estonia. The choir have very kindly agreed to take part in this charity concert. ALL PROCEEDS ARE GOING TO THE DOWN 8217S SYNDROME ASSOCIATION Tickets: 15 from 0333 1212 300 or email lesley. alabafdowns-syndrome. org. uk Sinatra - the Movie Years at Normansfield Saturday, 23rd May 2015. 7:30 pm The story of OlBlue Eyes film career featuring the great songs from the films. Robert Habermann tells the story and sings the songs including The Lady is a Tramp, Ol Man River, Youre Sensational and the the Oscar winning All the Way, plus many more. Tickets: 12.50 and 10 conc. from 0333 1212 300 or email lesley. abalafdowns-syndrome. org. uk. HWA Annual General Meeting Tuesday, 24th March 2015. 7:00 pm All Hampton Wick Association members are warmly invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 24th March, 7pm for a 7.30pm start. This year we8217re lucky enough to be holding the AGM in Normansfield Theatre, a really fantastic venue. Click here to read about it: langdondowncentre. org. ukcentre-victorian-theatre. Click here for a map. We are also very fortunate to welcome Ian Jones-Healey, the archivist of Normansfield, who will be giving a talk on The History of John Langdon Down and Normansfield. Wine and soft drinks will be available. You can join or renew your membership on the night, or sign up and pay online by clicking here . HWA Fish amp Chips Quiz Night Thursday, 14th April 2016. 7:00 pm ALMOST SOLD OUT 8211 LAST REMAINING TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLY FROM MARTHA POUNTAIN 8217S HAIR SALON ON THE HIGH STREET . Everyone is welcome to come along to the HWA 8217s ever-popular Fish amp Chips Quiz Night. Date: Thursday 14th April 2016 Time: 7pm for 7.30pm (prompt) start of the Quiz Venue: Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club Pavilion Entry (including Quiz): 2.50 per person Fish amp Chips: 5 per person Tickets are available at Martha Pountain8217s Hair Salon on the High Street near the station. Order and pay for Fish amp Chips on the door. Sausage amp Chips will also be available for non fish-eaters. Wine, beer and soft drinks will be on sale at the bar. The entrance to the Cricket Club is on Park Road at the junction with Sandy Lane, next to Timothy Bennet Gate into Bushy Park. Click here for details . Police Liaison Group Thursday, 12th February 2015. 7:30 pm A joint meeting of the Hampton Wick Police Liaison Group and the Teddington Police Liaison Group. Mina Hogan Room, St Mary8217s Church Hall, Langham Road (at the back of the Landmark Centre) The meeting is open to all local residents 8211 everyone welcome. 1 WELCOME. INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES 2 NOTES OF THE MEETING OF HAMPTON WICK PLG (Note Parks Policing is now being discussed a joint group of the two Parks Societies) 3 POLICE MATTERS AND CRIME UPDATE a) Hampton Wick b) Teddington 4 ISSUES TO BE RAISED BY THE PUBLIC 5 PRIORITIES FOR THE NEXT FOUR MONTHS 6 RIVER ISSUES (to cover moorings and impact of any potential flooding event) 7 PUBLIC CONFIDENCE SURVEY (this item may not be discussed as the survey questions are under review) Date of the next meeting THE PLG WILL CONCLUDE AT 8.30pm Local Trading Tokens of the 17th Century Saturday, 28th February 2015. 5:00 pm A talk at Hampton Wick Library In his talk Tim Everson will discuss the various traders issued their own tokens between 1649 and 1672 when no small coins were being issued by central government. There is a huge variety, perhaps 15-20,000 different tokens for England, Wales and Ireland. There are 22 or more for Kingston and two for Hampton Wick. Come and find out about these coins, why they were issued and the men (and women) who issued them. Tim Everson was Local History Officer at Kingston Museum from 1990 to 2001 and has written five 8216old and new8217 picture books on the local area and has also written a short book called 8216Kingston and the Boer War8217.He is the author of the authoritative classification of the farthings of James I and Charles I and will shortly be publishing a similar book covering the 17th century trading tokens of Surrey and Southwark. Saturday 28 February 5pm to 6pm Hampton Wick Library Tickets 2.00 8211 including refreshments Book online by clicking here . Schubert Recital at Normansfield Sunday, 15th February 2015. 7:30 pm Bass Christian Fellner and pianist Viacheslav Poprugin present a recital of vocal and piano music by Franz Schubert. Venue: Normansfield Theatre In aid of the Langdon Down Museum By the time of his untimely death at the age of 31, Schubert had written more than 600 songs and helped to establish the genre of the classical song cycle and its potential for musical and dramatic narrative. Christian and Viacheslav have chosen a group of songs exploring the theme of the Romantic Wanderer restless and dissatisfied with life and constantly roaming th ecoutnryside in search of a place where he might find peach and happiness. The programme includes the famous Erlking written when the composer was only 17, as well as songs composed during his least year. Christian Fellner was born in London and studied at Trinity College of Music and the Central School of Speech and Drama. He undertook postgraduate vocal studies in Moscow, with Professor Yevgenia Sheveliova. He has performed widely within the UK and abroad including recitals at Sviatoslav Richters Winter Festival in Tarusa, Russia (with Viacheslav Poproughin), concerts in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, and song recitals at Oxford University including a Russian Song programme at the Holywell Music Room. Viacheslav Poprugin was born in Khabarovsk, Russia and studied at the Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow with Professor Alexander Alexandrov. His international professional engagements include recitals, orchestral concert and chamber music and he is a regular duet partner of cellist Natalia Gutman. Since 1999 he has taught at the Moscow Conservatoire where he gives classes in chamber music and solo piano. Cantanti Camerati at Normansfield Saturday, 7th March 2015. 7:30 pm Just a Song at Twilight Friday, 6 March at 7.30pm, Saturday, 7 March at 2.30pm, Saturday, 7 March at 7.30pm Tickets: 12 from 0333 1212 300 or choir members Stephen Gregson has now taken over as Musical Director of Cantanti Camerati, who return to Normansfield Theatre for their annual Just a Song at Twilight concerts in March. The theme of this year8217s 8220Just a song at twilight8221 concerts is 8220It takes two8230.8221 and the music will feature light hearted madrigals, part songs and contemporary songs, and a performance of Bob Chilcott8217s 8220Songs and Cries of London Town8221 accompanied by piano duet Be prepared to join in with some of the contemporary numbers Murder Mystery at Normansfield Saturday, 6th June 2015. 7:30 pm MURDER AT THE HUNT (and this time its not the fox) TICKETS. 17 AND 15 CONCESSIONS ( INCLUDES A LIGHT BUFFET SUPPER ) FROM 0333 1212 300 Hozz Murder Mysteries held a murder mystery night, Murder on the Queen Mary, in 2013 and have very kindly agreed to perform again for another fundraising event on Saturday, 6th June at 7.30pm. The performance will be Murder at the Hunt (And this time its not the fox). The audience thoroughly enjoyed the event in 2013 and have been requesting their return ever since. Murder at the Hunt centres on the Bayler-Twine Family who live deep the countryside at Wortsand Hall and are keen supporters of the Much Muttering and Lower Mandible Hunt which is celebrating its centenary year. In the run up to the Centenary Hunt, a murder takes place causing much consternation. After all the avenues are explored by the cast and with the help from the audience, the crime is solved and explained the detective, Inspector Corner of Scotland Yard. The audience will sit at tables of 8-10. A light buffet supper is included in the ticket price. Watch the plot unfold Examine the clues Interview the suspectsSolve the murder mystery Who let the Dads out Saturday, 14th February 2015. 10:00 am A group for dads and their pre-school kids on the second Saturday of every month 10-11:30am in the church. Toys, bacon buttes, a craft activity and lots of other dads to connect with. Come and check it out St John8217s Hampton Wick Church Grove Hampton Wick Festival amp Grand Parade Sunday, 2nd August 2015. 12:00 am Put it in your diary now. It8217s the biggest day of the year for Hampton Wick. The Hampton Wick Festival and Grand Parade With the High Street closed for the Prudential RideLondon Cycling events, we8217re free to party and parade to our hearts8217 content. Visit hwfestival. org. uk to read about last year8217s epic day and to watch a video from 2013. Stay in touch with developements as the plans for this year unfurl8230 Chestnut Sunday Sunday, 10th May 2015. 12:30 pm Come and say hello at the HWA stand on Chestnut Sunday The Bushy Park Chestnut Sunday parade starts at 12:30pm on Chestnut Avenue at Teddington Gate leading to the grass area in front of the childrens8217 playground where there will be: Traditional Fairground Carousel plus other rides and stalls Arena displays, showing historical military re-enactments and riding displays 50s 8211 60s Band and a Brass Band Historical re-enactment groups Classic cars, motorcycles and cycles St. John Ambulance and Police information and advice Displays about Bushy Park8217s wildlife and history, Pony rides, Tree works, The Friends of Bushy and Home Parks, The Horse Rangers Association, National Physical Laboratory, etc. A number of local charities8217 information stands and fund raising activiti es Refreshment kiosks will be stationed at the site too The parade will feature: Marching Band Historical Re-enactors The Horse Rangers8217 Band Veteran and Companion Cycles Classic Cars Motorcycles and Military Vehicles City of London Police Horses plus many more attractions. Chestnut Avenue will be closed to through traffic from 12.15pm to 1.30pm on the day in order to allow the parade. The car parks will also be closed to entry and exit during this period. Free car parking is available with additional parking available on the grass of Lime Avenue. However, this is a very popular event and we strongly recommend that visitors use public transport where possible. The nearest National Rail stations are Teddington (access the park via Teddington Gate) and Hampton Court Palace (access the park via Hampton Court Gate). TedCare Coffee Morning Saturday, 14th March 2015. 10:30 am Teddington amp Hampton Wick Voluntary Care Group invite everyone for Coffee, tea, cakes amp books Saturday 14th March from 10.30 to 12 noon The Methodist Church, Stanley Road, Teddington For transport call 8943 3112 Live Music with Afternoon tea Tuesday, 31st March 2015. 3:00 pm A free event at St John8217s Church, Church Grove, Hampton Wick. A little live music with afternoon tea for older people and their friends. Tuesday 31st March, 3pm 8211 5pm There is no need to book in advance, just turn up on the day. If you would like a lift, please call the office on 020 8977 7733. Everyone is very welcome Discover Holiday Club 30th March - 2nd April Thursday, 2nd April 2015. 9:30 am 30th March to 2nd April, 9.30am 8211 12.30pm daily For 4 8211 11 year olds involving lots of fun and mess and ending with a family BBQ on Thursday at 12.30. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Lifting the Lid on Anxiety amp Depression Monday, 30th March 2015. 8:00 pm A qualified psycotherapist will speak on these issues and provide space for an extended QampA session. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Good Friday Service Friday, 3rd April 2015. 12:00 pm An opportunity to reflect on the death of Christ and the sacrifice he made to win us forgiveness and freedom. St Joohn8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Film Night at St Johns Friday, 3rd April 2015. 8:00 pm Screening of a film about the passion of Christ, bringing vividly to life what he endured in his last hours. St Johns Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Easter Sunday Service Sunday, 5th April 2015. 10:00 am A great celebration for all the family, starting at 10am with coffee and cake with worship beginning at 10.30am. St John8217s Church Church grove Hampton Wick Teddington School Plant Sale Saturday, 9th May 2015. 10:00 am Teddington School is holding its annual plant sale on Saturday 9th May at front of the school on Broom Road. Saturday 9 May 2015 10 am 8211 midday Superb selection of quality plants at affordable prices, fresh from the wholesaler. Bedding and patio plants Perennials Vegetables and herbs Shrubs and much more. Plus a great selection of hot and cold refreshments. cakes, bacon butties. All profits for the benefit of pupils at Teddington School. Exhibition of Childrens Poster Designs 19th - 25th May Monday, 25th May 2015. 12:00 am Richmond in Bloom is celebrating 25 years of achievement and is proud to announce: AN EXHIBITION OF CHILDRENS POSTER DESIGN FLORAL ART. over 200 original award winning paintings created during the last 20 years by children at school in the borough of Richmond upon Thames. WHERE. THE OCTAGON ROOM. ORLEANS HOUSE GALLERY. Riverside, Twickenham TW1 3DJ WHEN. TUESDAY 19 MAY TO BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 25 MAY 2015, 10am to 5pm. Police Liaison Group Tuesday, 30th June 2015. 7:30 pm HAMPTON WICK AND TEDDINGTON POLICE LIAISON GROUP Tuesday 30th June, 7.30pm, Mina Hogan Room, St Mary8217s Church Hall (rear of the Landmark Centre). Attending this Police Liaison Group ( PLG ) enables you to contribute to a safer community, identify actions you feel are needed to combat crime and anti-social behaviour in your area and use your influence to ensure that the correct policing priorities are in place. 1 Welcome, apologies and introductions 2 a) Election of Chairman for 201516 Applications to the PLG Secretary at christina-gorehotmail by 26th June b) Election of Secretary for 201516 Applications to the PLG Chairman at martyn. kingsfordblueyonder. co. uk By 26th June 3 Notes of the meeting of the 12th February 2015 4 POLICE MATTERS AND CRIME UPDATE 5 ISSUES TO BE RAISED BY THE PUBLIC Home Insurance River matters 6 Promises and targets for the next three months 7 Date of the next meeting (to be announced at the meeting) THE PLG WILL CONCLUDE AT 9.00pm Popes Grotto open day Saturday, 20th June 2015. 10:00 am Visit Alexander Pope8217s famous grotto and let us tell you about the plans for its restoration. Sat 20 Jun 2015 10:00 to 13:00 Last admission 12:30pm Prices 5, concessions 4, payable in cash on entry. Children under 11 free. No advance booking is required. Refreshments in Radnor School8217s terrace cafe overlooking the river. popesgrotto. org. ukvisits. html Alexander Pope8217s Grotto is the last remaining part of his villa, which he built in 1720 on the banks of the Thames at Twickenham. Demolished in 1808, the villa was replaced and the property became the subject of much redevelopment over the following 200 years. In 1996 St James8217s Independent School for boys acquired the estate, remaining for 14 years. Address Pope8217s Villa, Cross Deep, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 4QG Teddington Pram Race Sunday, 28th June 2015. 12:30 pm Support the Hampton Wick Tudors in the Teddington Pram Race The Teddington Pram Race sets off from the Masons Arms at 1pm next Sunday 28th June. Come along early to meet the teams as they arrive and to cheer on our Tudors. Dont forget to sponsor us All money raised goes to local good causes and this year the main beneficiary will be the Teddington and Hampton Wick Voluntary Care Group who do such great work supporting elderly and housebound people throughout the local area. (tedcare. org. uk ) Lots more photos, videos and information (including the special Pram Race music video) at teddpramrace. org. uk Avenue Centre - Public Consultation Wednesday, 15th July 2015. 4:00 pm The council is planning to re-develop the site of the Avenue Centre on Normansfield Avenue. The proposals include relocation of the existing care home to a purpose built building on the site, as well as residential properties. The general public is invited to a pre-planning consultation to be held at Hampton Wick Infant amp Nursery School ( HWINS ), Normansfield Avenue, TW11 9RP on Wednesday 15th July from 4pm to 7pm. The development proposal will be on display at the event and members of the design team will be available to provide information about the project and to hear the views of local people, prior to submitting their planning application. Open House - Normansfield Sunday, 20th September 2015. 11:30 am The annual Open House London gives visitors the opportunity to view hundreds of buildings in and around London. The Langdon Down Centre will be open with 3 guides tours. Visitors are also welcome to look around (and dont have to join a tour). The event is free and no booking is required. A cake and book shop will open through the day selling homemade cakes. Sunday 20 September 2015 11.30am 4pm Downs Syndrome in history and today Saturday, 10th October 2015. 10:00 am Learn about the work of the Downs Syndrome Association and the condition first described by Dr John Langdon Down in the 19th century. This talk looks at the condition through history and the lives of those who have Downs syndrome today. 10th October 2015 10am to 11am 5 including light refreshments Langdon Down Centre (Normansfield) 2a Langdon Park TW11 9PS 0333 1212 300 langdondowncentre. org. uk Organised by the Down8217s Syndrome Association Normansfield Summer Soiree Saturday, 11th July 2015. 7:30 pm Summer Soiree Anything Goes Following their successful concerts in the series Just a Song at Twilight, Cantanti Camerati will be returning to Normansfield Theatre on Saturday, 11th July at 7.30pm for a Summer Soiree sub-titled Anything goes.. This concert will include British folk-songs, French chansons and Songs of Stage and Screen. The conductor is Stephen Gregson. The ticket price of 15 includes an arrival drink of fizz or soft drinks. Tickets can be bought from 0333 1212 300, the choir directly on 0208 898 8020 or online below. If still available, they might be purchaseable on the door. Normansfield Theatre entrance on Upper Teddington Road July 11th 2015 7:30 pm 8211 9:30 pm Safer Neighbourhood Board Meeting amp A. G.M Tuesday, 28th July 2015. 6:45 pm The Salon, York House, London Road TW1 3AA Come along to hear presentations on the work of our local police over the past year including results and challenges. Ask questions and help set priorities for the coming year. LBRuT Planning Meeting - Ham Hydro Wednesday, 16th September 2015. 7:00 pm The council8217s Planning Committee is meeting to consider the application to demolish part of Teddington Lock and to install turbines to generate hydro-electric power. Copies of the Committee Agenda and the officers8217 report will be available for inspection in Richmond8217s reference library five working days before the meeting and on the Council8217s website at richmond. gov. ukplanningcommittee . The meeting will commence at 7:00pm and be held in the Council Offices, York House, Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 3AA. Home Park Water Meadows Walk Saturday, 19th September 2015. 10:00 am Free guided walks through the restored Home Park Water Meadows. The walks are run by Thames Landscape Strategy in partnership with Historic Royal Palaces. Walks start at Kingston Gate (next to the Old Kings Head in Hampton Wick) at 10.00 am, 12.30 pm, 3.00 pm. 1 hours round trip. An Equinox Walk through the Secret Meadows of Home Park Wednesday, 23rd September 2015. 6:30 pm A guided evening walk led by Thames Landscape Strategy through the water meadows of Home Park. Starts at 6.30pm at Kingston Gate (next to the Old Kings Head in Hampton Wick). Bushy House Open Day Saturday, 19th September 2015. 10:00 am On Saturday 19 September, from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm, the National Physical Laboratory ( NPL ) will be opening Bushy House and gardens to the general public as part of Open House London weekend. Bushy House was built by Edward Proger, probably around 16645. From 1797, it was the residence of William, Duke of Clarence (later William IV) and his mistress Dora Jordan. Visitors will have the opportunity to visit various parts of the house, and the beautiful gardens, home to a descendent of Newton8217s apple tree. There will also be displays on the role of NPL during WWI and the 60th anniversary of Louis Essen building the world8217s first accurate atomic clock. Access to Bushy House is via the Queens Road Gate, TW11 0EB. Please note that there is very limited access for wheelchairs and no dogs are allowed (with the exception of guide and assistance dogs). Entry is free and registration is not required. History Talk at the Library Wednesday, 30th September 2015. 7:00 pm Hampton Wick lies in a strategic position on the River Thames. For five hundred years its bridge was the only fixed crossing between London and Staines. Its connections with the ancient town of Kingston on the opposite bank and the presence of the nearby Royal Palace of Hampton Court brought prosperity and the village grew from a hamlet of around 500 in 1750 to a peak of 3400 in 1951. In his talk at Hampton Wick Library Ray Elmitt will explore this fascinating period of rapid urban development. Book online via the Richmond. gov. uk online booking facility by clicking here . HWA Christmas Carols Wednesday, 14th December 2016. 5:30 pm Hampton Wick8217s favourite evening With the Fulham Brass Band. 5.30pm 8211 Gather at the Library 6pm 8211 Brass Band forms up at the Library and leads the children8217s procession to Christmas Square 6.05 8211 6.20 8211 Carol Singing round the tree 6.20 8211 6.40pm 8211 Father Christmas with treats for all the children while the brass band plays festive tunes. Plus Christmas lights in all the trees, mulled wine in the local pubs and plenty of good cheer all round. Remembrance Sunday Sunday, 13th November 2016. 10:00 am This year Remembrance Sunday falls on 13th November. Hampton Wick will again turn out en masse to process down the High Street to the Memorial Garden where a short service will conclude with the sounding of the Last Post at 11am. Please join us in showing respect and gratitude to those who have fallen and to those currently serving in the armed forces. Feel the Spirit at Normansfield Friday, 9th October 2015. 7:30 pm Music Makers of London Normansfield Theatre Tickets: 12 from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk The Music Makers of London presents a choral programme with an American flavour, from Eric Whitacre8217s wonderfully evocative Water Night to Richard Allain and John Rutter8217s toe-tapping, exciting spirituals arrangements to Copland8217s dramatic folk song settings. Programme to include: Rutter8217s Feel the Spirit Barber8217s Sure on this Shining Night Erb8217s Shenandoah Whitacre8217s Sleep. From the Thames to the Trenches Sunday, 11th October 2015. 7:30 pm Richmond Symphonic Concert Band Normansfield Theatre Tickets: 10 and 8 (concessions) Call 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk A commemoration in music of the Great War, including songs that were sung at home and away. With special guest artist Paul Alexander reading from poets of the Great War. Opera Encores Saturday, 21st November 2015. 7:30 pm Normansfield Theatre Opera Encores Commedia Productions Saturday, 21 November at 7.30pm Tickets: 20 and 16 concessions Following the success of Opera in Cameo, Commedia returns to present an entertaining guided tour through the evolution of opera. The evening is illustrated by staged popular scenes and features a company of professional soloists accompanied by The Virtual Reality Orchestra. Commedia has more than 15 years of experience in the presentation of fully staged music theatre. Both the press and audiences have enthusiastically applauded its innovative approach and reviews in the national media have referred to the companys productions as a luxury you can afford, and the most imaginative production I have seen and even the future of opera. Initially, productions were traditionally presented in the original language and setting with full chorus and orchestra. In recent years the trend has been towards a more accessible approach with the use of new and original translations and the implementation of the Virtual Reality Orchestra. Tickets are available online below or by calling 0333 1212 300 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Normansfield Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, 28th November 2015. 11:00 am Saturday, 28 November 2015 11am to 5pm Admission: Free (small charge for childrens activity room) Normansfield Theatre will become a magical wonderland of Christmas crafts and gifts. Well have 30 stalls selling cards, prints, gifts, ornaments, tableware, food, christmas decorations, handbags and so much more. All perfect for a Christmas present. Well also have a coffee shop selling delicious refreshments and books, a tombola and a childrens craft activity room open all day (2.50 per child aged 2 8211 making either a ceramic Christmas decoration or sand art sculpture (the price includes all materials) Entry is free so please pop in and support this lovely event. Il Barbiere de Siviglia Sunday, 29th November 2015. 7:30 pm Villa InCanto Sunday, 29 November 2015 at 7.30pm Normansfield Theatre, Teddington Rossini8217s ever popular comic opera is a tuneful masterpiece. This tells the tale of a quick thinking barber, Figaro, who is paid to help a count, Almaviva, to win the woman of his dreams. Almaviva needs to disguise himself more than once to outwit the guardian of Rosina 8211 a perfect young woman as long as you don8217t get in her way. Figaro, of course, will do all he can to ensure that, despite all the guardian8217s attempts, Rosina does indeed end up in the arms of the dashing count. Tickets: 20 and 16 concessions from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Handels Semele 11 - 13 Dec Sunday, 13th December 2015. 7:30 pm Isleworth Baroque Friday 11 December, Saturday 12 December and Sunday 13 December at 7.30pm (on all 3 nights) Tickets: 15 Singers and musicians from Isleworth Baroque present this production of Handels version of this story taken from Greek mythology. Semele, a beautiful but unsophisticated maiden falls in love with the god Jupiter and discovers the endless pleasure, endless love of the heavens. Jupiters wife Juno is understandably unhappy with situation and plots Semeles downfall. Tickets for all shows are 15 from 0333 1212 300 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Twickenham Fine Ales Brewery Visit Thursday, 3rd December 2015. 7:00 pm Join us for Christmas Drinks at Twickenham Fine Ales The Hampton Wick Association is hosting an evening at Twickenham Fine Ales on Thursday 3 December from 7pm to 9pm. Twickenham Fine Ales is Londons oldest micro-brewery. Founded by Steve Brown in 2004, Twickenham has been at the forefront of the resurgence of breweries in London. Using global hops from an early stage, and only the purest of ingredients, Twickenham produces a fine range of well hopped, award winning beers, including Naked Ladies. The cost is 15 per person for members (20 per person for non-members). This includes a tour, glass and three pints of ale. Transport is not included but the brewery is a short walk from Twickenham Green so accessible using the 281 bus. A number of us will be meeting from 6pm at the Sussex Arms and you8217re very welcome to join us and then we8217ll make uor way to the brewery at about ten to seven. To book a place and pay online, please click here . Alternatively send your payment with the names of people attending to HWA. 2 Baygrove Mews, Hampton Wick, Kingston upon Thames KT1 4HD no later than Wednesday 18 November. For any queries, contact membershiphamptonwick. org. uk Meet the NHS and Public Meeting Thursday, 26th November 2015. 2:00 pm The ways in which NHS care is delivered locally are changing. Come to the free exhibition from 14:00-15:00 to see the plans and meet the doctors followed by a public event from 15:00-17:00 to hear about the plans in more detail, quiz a panel of local leaders and have your say. Meet the local doctors and nurses joining forces to find better ways to care for people at the end of life, who are frail and elderly, have diabetes, respiratory illnesses or heart conditions. Hear about why these changes are taking place, how care will change and what it means for patients. Thursday, 26 November 2015 Richmond Adult Community College Parkshot, Richmond, London, TW9 2RE Meet the NHS 14:00-15:00 Public Meeting 15:00 to 17:00 To book your place click HERE or call 020 8099 5335 We are working to redesign patient care locally, so that patients can be treated by the GPs, the hospital specialists and the community teams working together in a single integrated collaboration. In this way, we will improve patient experience, reduce costs and treat patients closer to home. Kieran OFlynn, Medical Director of Richmond GP Alliance and a local GP Downs Syndrome Association Christmas Concert Tuesday, 8th December 2015. 7:30 pm This years Downs Syndrome Association Christmas Concert will take place on Tuesday 8th December from 7.30pm at the stunning Normansfield Theatre in Teddington. The evening will be a mix of dance from the incredible Larondina Dance Company music from The Richmond Music Trust and song from the Marble Hill Singers with readings from a few special guests throughout the evening. Tickets prices for this year will be 20 for adults, 15 concessions and 10 for children (under 12). Price includes an arrival drink and a fantastic evenings entertainment. A cash bar will operate during the interval with snacks and refreshments. Tickets can be purchased online or by calling 0333 121 2300 and asking for Fundraising. Alexa Dizon Events Manager T: 0333 1212 300 (not a premium rate) Langdon Down Centre, 2a Langdon Park, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9PS St Johns Christmas Concert Tuesday, 8th December 2015. 7:30 pm An evening of music performed by Kingston University choirs and instrumental ensembles. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AS Tel: 02 8977 7733 Email: infostjohnshamptonwick. org Web: stjohnshamptonwick. org Christingle at St Johns Sunday, 13th December 2015. 9:00 am All-age services where children will get the chance to make their own Christingle Orange to help bring the Christmas Story to life. Services at 9am and 11am. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AS Tel: 02 8977 7733 Email: infostjohnshamptonwick. org Web: stjohnshamptonwick. org Alternative Carols at St Johns Sunday, 13th December 2015. 6:00 pm A contemporary, creative, re-imagining of a traditional carol service. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AS Tel: 02 8977 7733 Email: infostjohnshamptonwick. org Web: stjohnshamptonwick. org Candlelit Carols at St Johns Sunday, 20th December 2015. 7:30 pm A traditional service of carols and lessons, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Crib Service at St Johns Thursday, 24th December 2015. 4:00 pm All-age service with a contemporary re-telling of the Christmas story. Children are invited to dress as a Nativity character. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AS Tel: 02 8977 7733 Email: infostjohnshamptonwick. org Web: stjohnshamptonwick. org Midnight Communion at St Johns Thursday, 24th December 2015. 11:30 pm Short reflective service with Holy Communion. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AS Tel: 02 8977 7733 Email: infostjohnshamptonwick. org Web: stjohnshamptonwick. org Christmas Day at St Johns Friday, 25th December 2015. 10:30 am Informal family service with activities for children. Stay on afterwards for a drink to celebrate with us. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AS Tel: 02 8977 7733 Email: infostjohnshamptonwick. org Web: stjohnshamptonwick. org Carols by Candlelight, HW Baptists Thursday, 24th December 2015. 7:00 pm Hampton Wick Baptist Church 11a Upper Teddington Road Hampton Wick KT1 4DL Tel: 020 8977 1279 hamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Christmas Day at HW Baptists Friday, 25th December 2015. 10:30 am Hampton Wick Baptist Church 11a Upper Teddington Road Hampton Wick KT1 4DL Tel: 020 8977 1279 hamptonwickbaptists. co. uk Christingle at St Marks Sunday, 13th December 2015. 4:00 pm St Mark8217s Church St Marks Road Teddington TW11 9DE Tel: 020 8977 4067 Email: revkarenwellmanbtinternet Web: stmarksteddington. uk Candlelit Carols at St Marks Wednesday, 23rd December 2015. 6:30 pm Candlelit Carols Service St Mark8217s Church St Marks Road Teddington TW11 9DE Tel: 020 8977 4067 Email: revkarenwellmanbtinternet Web: stmarksteddington. uk Crib Service at St Marks Thursday, 24th December 2015. 5:00 pm St Mark 8217s Church St Marks Road Teddington TW11 9DE Tel: 020 8977 4067 Email: revkarenwellmanbtinternet Web: stmarksteddington. uk Midnight Mass at St Marks Thursday, 24th December 2015. 11:30 pm St Mark8217s Church St Marks Road Teddington TW11 9DE Tel: 020 8977 4067 Email: revkarenwellmanbtinternet Web: stmarksteddington. uk Christmas Day at St Marks Friday, 25th December 2015. 10:00 am Family Communion Service St Mark8217s Church St Marks Road Teddington TW11 9DE Tel: 020 8977 4067 Email: revkarenwellmanbtinternet Web: stmarksteddington. uk Service of Reconciliation Sunday, 20th December 2015. 4:00 pm Turn to Me 8211 Service of Reconciliation Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Tel: 020 8977 2986 Web: sacredheartteddington. wordpress Christmas Mass for children Thursday, 24th December 2015. 6:30 pm Christmas Mass for children and families Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Tel: 020 8977 2986 Web: sacredheartteddington. wordpress V igil of Readings amp First Mass Thursday, 24th December 2015. 11:00 pm Vigil of Readings and First Mass of Christmas Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Tel: 020 8977 2986 Web: sacredheartteddington. wordpress Christmas Day at Sacred Heart Friday, 25th December 2015. 10:00 am Christmas Day Mass Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Tel: 020 8977 2986 Web: sacredheartteddington. wordpress St Stephens Day Mass Saturday, 26th December 2015. 6:30 pm St Stephen8217s Day Mass Sacred Heart Catholic Church 262 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JQ Tel: 020 8977 2986 Web: sacredheartteddington. wordpress Collis Choral Singers Christmas Concert Sunday, 13th December 2015. 7:00 pm Collis Choral Singers, conducted by Sebastian Valentine and accompanied by Duncan Apppleby, present A Concert of Carols and Festive Music by candlelight with audience participation Programme to include: Monteverdi 8211 Mass for four voices Handel 8211 Choruises from M essiah Mozart 8211 Ave Verum Corpus Faure 8211 Cantique de Jean Racine Bruckner 8211 Christus factus est St Mark8217s Church St Mark8217s Road TW11 9DE Tickets 8 (children with adult free), concessions 5, on the door. Mulled wine and mince pies will be available during the interval. Teddington School Christmas Tree Sale Saturday, 12th December 2015. 9:30 am 9.30am until 12.30pm At the front of Teddington School. Competitively priced, top quality non-drop Nordman fir trees from 4ft to over 8ft. On sale at the front of the school and sports centre. Full range of festive hot and cold refreshments as well as home bakes, bacon butties and mince pies. 25 of sales go to support the PTA at Teddington School Hampton Wick Village Plan Wednesday, 20th January 2016. 7:00 pm This your chance to set the priorities for Hampton Wick for the next five years. The Council have asked the HWA to organise a meeting for local residents to say what is important to us, what we like and want more of, what we don8217t like and what we want fixed. The scope is wide 8211 anything where the public sector has an involvement. Buses, doctors, the state of the roads and pavements, schools, parks, library, closed down shops, parking, station forecourt, rubbish collections, street lighting, affordable housing, care for the elderly, appearance and size of new developments, access to the river, facilities for kids8230. These views will be fed into a draft Village Plan document, on which we8217ll all have further opportunities to comment before it8217s finalised. The Village Plan is important. While it won8217t be a statutory instrument (ie. it8217s not actually law) local authorities, other public bodies and developers will all have to demonstrate that they8217ve taken notice of it and tried to comply with the principles stated in it. They can8217t just ignore it. So come along to this very important meeting and let8217s get our views across Date: Wednesday 20th January Time: Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start Venue: The Warehouse Behind St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick Light refreshments will be available. Crossrail 2 Consultation Meeting Thursday, 17th December 2015. 3:30 pm From 3.30pm to 7.30pm Greenwood Centre 1 School Road Hampton Hill TW12 1QL There will be representatives from National Rail and TFL. This will be our chance to ask questions about CR2, which stations they will be going to and how our rail services will improve. This meeting is particularly important given the uncertainty over proposals to locate railway sidings 8216somewhere in Hampton Wick8217. Click here for full story . Just a Song at Twilight at Normansfield Friday, 4th March 2016. 7:30 pm Friday, 4th March at 7.30pm Saturday, 5th March at 2.30pm and 7.30pm Tickets: 15 from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Join Cantanti Camerati for a special celebration of forty years of Just a Song at Twilight with guest conductor Geoffrey Bowyer, the founder of these concerts. The theme with year is My Fair Lady an appreciation of female beauty and virtue in song, including madrigals, part songs, contemporary settings and numerous numbers from the Lerner and Loewe musical (with plenty of opportunity for audience participation). Book early and dont miss this special 40th annual Just a Song at Twilight concert. Just a Song at Twilight at Normansfield Saturday, 5th March 2016. 7:30 pm Friday, 4th March at 7.30pm Saturday, 5th March at 2.30pm and 7.30pm Tickets: 15 from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Join Cantanti Camerati for a special celebration of forty years of Just a Song at Twilight with guest conductor Geoffrey Bowyer, the founder of these concerts. The theme with year is My Fair Lady an appreciation of female beauty and virtue in song, including madrigals, part songs, contemporary settings and numerous numbers from the Lerner and Loewe musical (with plenty of opportunity for audience participation). Book early and dont miss this special 40th annual Just a Song at Twilight concert. Magnificent Music Hall at Normansfield Saturday, 19th March 2016. 3:00 pm The Magnificent Music Hall Paper Moon Theatre Saturday, 19th March 2016 at 3pm Tickets: 18 adults and 16 concessions Jan Hunt from the Paper Moon Theatre Company returns to Normansfield Theatre with a matinee performance of the Magnificent Music Hall. Both shows in 2015 sold out so book early to avoid disappointment. This glittering galaxy of stars from BBC TVs The Good Old Days will delight and entertain with songs, laughter, dance and magic portraying with great wit and warmth this truly golden era. Unmissable Jan Hunt8217s Paper Moon Theatre Company goes from strength to strength with successful performances of their Magnificent Music Hall show which is performed at theatres across the UK, USA. Canada and Scandinavia. 20 discount at LaCloche applies for all pre-booked tickets. Tickets can be purchased online below or by calling 0333 1212 300 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) or book online at langdondowncentre. org. uk() Hampton Choral Unbuttoned at Normansfield Saturday, 12th March 2016. 7:30 pm Saturday, 12 March 2016 at 7.30pm Tickets: 12.50 (under 18sstudents 7.50) from Bidwell. digmail or call 0333 1212 300 Hampton Choral Society sing a selection of their favourite choral works. They are an amateur choir which is non audition and operates around the area of Hampton, Middlesex UK. There are about 90 members and the repertoire is largely oratorio and the like. The choir gives three formal concerts per year and also tours to Europe in the summer. They also do a lot of singing for charity and have raised over 30,000 in the last five years Police Liaison Group Meeting Friday, 11th March 2016. 7:30 pm HAMPTON WICK AND TEDDINGTON POLICE LIAISON GROUP For the meeting to be held at 7.30pm on THURSDAY 11th MARCH 2016 In the Mina Hogan Room, St Marys Church Hall, Langham Road (To the rear of the Landmark Centre) 1 WELCOME. INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES 2 NOTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING ON THE POLICE amp OTHER AGENCIES RESPONSE TO FLOODING (To be noted) 3 POLICE MATTERS AND CRIME UPDATE a) HAMPTON WICK b) TEDDINGTON 4 ISSUES TO BE RAISED BY THE PUBLIC 5 PRIORITIES FOR THE NEXT FOUR MONTHS 6 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The meeting will conclude at 9.00pm Normansfield Theatre Tour Saturday, 6th February 2016. 10:00 am From 10am to 12 midday Tickets: 10 per person including refreshments A behind the scenes visit to a Grade II Victorian theatre A talk about the entertainment hall and its purpose in the daily life of the hospital. The fixtures and fittings will be examined in detail. There will be a tour around the theatre, stage and back rooms. On show will be a selection of restored Victorian flats depicting a variety of scenery. There will also be an opportunity to view images of our extensive catalogue of restored Victorian scenery. This project, which is being funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, is ongoing. Places are limited, so book early. Call 0333 1212 300 (Mon to Friday 9am to 5pm) or book online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Hampton Wicks Big Birthday Picnic Sunday, 12th June 2016. 12:00 pm We8217re celebrating the Queen8217s 90th birthday Come and join us for Sunday 12th June, 12 8211 3pm King8217s Field, Church Grove The Hampton Wick Association, the Friends of King8217s Field and St John8217s Church Hampton Wick are jointly organising this event. Everyone is invited and it8217s FREE Bring your picnic and join in the fun. We8217re hoping to have live music as well as family games (Egg amp Spoon, sack races etc) and other pony rides and other activities for the children. Pistachios in the Park caf will be open as usual serving delicious home-made pizzas and ice cream to supplement your picnics. Creating a Museum Saturday, 19th March 2016. 10:00 am How the Langdon Down Museum was developed at Normansfield. 5 including light refreshments The process of research, developing the archive and creating displays. How we work with volunteers, apply for grants and use social media to publicise our work. Our projects with the U3A and the upcoming performance with the University of Leicesters Exceptional and Extraordinary project. Places can be booked by calling 0333 1212 300 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) or book online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Hampton Wick Association AGM Tuesday, 15th March 2016. 7:00 pm NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All members are warmly invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Hampton Wick Association. TUESDAY 15 MARCH 2016 7PM FOR A 7.30PM START AT NORMANSFIELD THEATRE This year we welcome Alison Merrington, who will be giving a talk updating discoveries made in the course of the Hampton Wick Remembers project on World War I. This is a new talk and not a repeat of her 2014 talk at the Library. The talk will be followed by the AGM . Wine and soft drinks will be available. Please do come along and join the Association (or renew your membership) on the night if you have not done so already. The Rude Mechanicals at Tamesis Friday, 10th June 2016. 7:30 pm Outdoor theatre in Hampton Wick this summer Those of you who are fans after seeing The Rude Mechanical Theatre Co last summer will be pleased to hear that they will be returning to Tamesis Sailing Club this year. It will be a brand new play called Macbyrd, and it8217s a comedy thriller 8211 sixteen of the characters are birds Don8217t miss Inspector Seed, a pigeon, as the detective The play is set in 1940 and is about the changes to a small village in rural Sussex, Jevington, brought about by the threat of invasion, its impact on the local WI, the cricket club, the village play, and on relationships, and on how with the war people must take on new roles. Pete Talbot, the writer and director, says, There are, it has to be admitted, a few echoes of a certain Shakespeare play. Macbyrd is told by the gypsy magpies that his time has come, that sleek birds, black against the sky will rule. In fact change to the village is because a momentous event is going to happen and Im not going to tell you what Prejudice amongst the oomans8217 puts the death of the swan down to gypsies and among the birds to a foreigner, a rare Indian bushlark which has been swept in by storms. Within the comedy, the play asks what indeed do our values really consist of and how should we adapt in the face of change The comedy is partly in the absurdity of the birds world, but also and it is a comedy of manners in the ways of country folk. So theres a bit of Foyles War about it and a bit of The Archers plus quite a bit of The Rudes, too. The show is on Friday 10th June, and starts at 7.30pm. Bring picnics and your own low backed chairs from 6.00pm. Dont forget to dress up warm even on warm summer days it can drop down cold. Tickets are available from Brian Harper-Lewis, or from behind the Tamesis bar, and online at therudemechanicaltheatre. co. uk. Further information from the company on 01323-501260. Adults 15, Seniors 14, Students 12, Children 8, Families 38. For the special large group rate (10 or more people come together for 13 each) contact the Central Box Office on 01323-501260 or therudesbtinternet Village Plan Question Time Thursday, 10th March 2016. 6:00 pm Following the very well attended Hampton Wick Village Plan consultation meeting on January 20th, the next stage in the process is the Leaders Question Time. The Leaders Question Time for Hampton Wick and Teddington takes place on 10th March. The aim is to allow us all 8216to share directly with the Leader and Cabinet Members issues that mean most to them about their local area.8217 The Question Time will be held on Thursday 10 March, 6pm to 8.30pm (Exhibition from 6pm and Question Time starts at 6.30pm) at Teddington Baptist Church, 17 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8PF There will also be an exhibition of local groups, enabling residents to find out more about how they can get involved in their local area. The first hour of the event will consist of pre-submitted questions to ensure a spread of issues are discussed. The second hour will be opened to the floor. Please submit your questions before 1 March 2016. Questions submitted after this time can be resubmitted for the open floor session. To RSVP for the events or to submit a question email eventsrichmond. gov. uk() Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club Talk amp Exhibition Wednesday, 27th April 2016. 6:30 pm To mark the beginning of an exhibition at Hampton Wick Library exploring the history of Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club. the Friends of Hampton Wick Library are pleased to host a talk by historian Dr. Chris French. 6.30pm Reception and opportunity to view the exhibition in the Library. Light refreshments will be served. 7.30pm The History of Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club A talk by Dr. Chris French who has co-authored a book on the subject. The talk will take place in Bullen Hall which is next to the Library. This promises to be a convivial and interesting evening for all those interested in Hampton Wick and its history, and for lovers of the game of willow on leather. Book your tickets online by clicking here . Alternatively drop an envelope, marked HWA. through the door at 38 Park Road, KT1 4AS. Cheques should be payable to the Hampton Wick Association. Don8217t forget to inclujde your name and contact details. Strictly Come Tea Dancing Wednesday, 2nd March 2016. 2:00 pm Older residents in Richmond upon Thames who enjoy dancing are invited to put on their dancing shooes and shimmy down to the Clarendon Hall for the Leader8217s annual Tea Dance. The Ross Michell Combo will be performing live again, for everyone to dance the day away. Held on Wednesday 2 March, 2pm to 4pm Free tea, coffee and cakes will be served. Clarendon Hall, York House, Twickenham, TW1 3AA RSVP 8211 space is limited so it is vital to RSVP before 24th February. Tamesis Sailing Club Open Day Sunday, 20th March 2016. 10:30 am Find out more about local sailing on the Thames Tamesis Club is offering would be sailors, whether they be kids or adults, the opportunity to find out more about dinghy sailing at their Teddington riverside sailing club. An Open Day on Sunday, 20th March offers opportunities to watch the different club dinghy classes racing in the morning and finding out about its RYA accredited beginners or refresher dinghy training for children and adults. Power boat training is also available. In the afternoon visitors will have the opportunity to get out on the water through taster sailing sessions with the clubs experienced sailors. Tamesis Club, based on the Thames at the end of Trowlock Way, Teddington will be open all day with racing starting at 10.30 and free tea and coffee all day. Lunch will be available in the club house. Tamesis offers a great facility in Teddington to learn and participate in a great sport says newly elected Commodore Carolyne Vines. Many of our sailors who learnt their skills at the club have gone on to win national and international sailing honours but its also just about having fun and enjoying the river. Go to8221 tamesisclub. co. uk8221: tamesisclub. co. uk for more information and clothing requirements. Tamesis Club, Trowlock Way, Broom Road, TW11 9QY For further information: Alan Green: 07773 428260 email: oceanus. gmgmail() Village Plan Consultation Drop-In Saturday, 11th June 2016. 10:00 am The Village Plan for Hampton Wick will feed into supplementary planning guidance documents for the next five years, playing an important part in shaping the future of the Wick. The Council is conducting consultations which began with the successful public meeting organised by the HWA in January, followed by the Leaders Question Time in Teddington on 10th March. The next stage comprisees several events specifically focused on Hampton Wick on the 11th, 12th and 19th June. Saturday 11th June is a Drop-In event at The Warehouse, behind St John8217s Church on Church grove. The event runs from 10am to 4pm and will include an exhibition describing the current Village Plan. Councillors and council staff will be available to answer questions and hear your views. Village Plan Consultation Walkabout Sunday, 19th June 2016. 10:00 am The Village Plan for Hampton Wick will feed into supplementary planning guidance documents for the next five years, playing an important part in shaping the future of the Wick. The Council is conducting consultations which began with the successful public meeting organised by the HWA in January, followed by the Leaders Question Time in Teddington on 10th March. The next stage comprisees several events specifically focused on Hampton Wick on 11th, 12th and 19th June. Sunday 19th June is a Walkabout in Hampton Wick with local councillors and council staff. You can nominate any area, street, building or open space that you want them to come to see so that you can point out in person the problems to be solved or opportunities to be taken. 11am 8211 Meet outside the Foresters, 45 High Street 2pm 8211 Meet at the junctionn of Langdon Park and Kingston Road (Normansfield) Police Liaison Group Thursday, 19th May 2016. 7:30 pm Your chance to meet our local police, hear about their activities and ask questions. Mina Hogan Room St Mary8217s Church Hall Langham Road Teddington Marble Hill Singers at Normansfield Saturday, 25th June 2016. 7:30 pm Marble Hill Singers present Hey, Ho, The Wind and The Rain The Marble Hill Singers are a Twickenham-based chamber choir, founded in 1988. Every year, they very kindly perform a summer concert at Normansfield Theatre, in aid of the Downs Syndrome Association. This year, the concert is call Hey, Ho, The Wind and The Rain and will feature songs, and sonnets for a summers evening. They will be including Rutters Birthday Madrigals, George Shearings songs and sonnets of Shakespeare, and music by Purcell and Bernstein. The conductor is Robert Mingay Smith. About the Marble Hill Singers The Marble Hill Singers have sung in many concerts locally and around the UK, as well as touring extensively in Europe. Their repertoire is wide, ranging from sacred to entertaining, and Renaissance polyphony to premieres of newly commissioned music. Robert Mingay Smith has been their conduction singe 2015. The choir are performing this programme in Florence before bringing it to Normansfield. La Traviata at Normansfield Sunday, 12th June 2016. 7:30 pm La Traviata Villa In Canto Tickets: 20 and 16 for concessions from 0333 1212 300 or at langdondowncentre. org. u La Traviata (the fallen woman) tells the moving story of how a beautiful but doomed courtesan, Violetta, in the Paris of 1850, finds true love but then has to sacrifice her real happiness for the sake of her lovers reputation. This intimate opera was considered very risqu at the time but, through its instantly recognisable arias and the tense emotionality of the music, has continued to be one of the most frequently performed operas through to today. The cast will be Violeta Valery Hiroko Morita Alfredo Germont Renato Cordeiro Giorgio Germont Ferruccio Finetti. Musical Director: Riccardo Serenelli Villa In Canto are an opera company from Italy who regularly visit the UK and perform at the Normansfield Theatre when here. They are also performing the Barber of Seville and Don Pasquale in 2016. They are a favourite with our audiences and perform on the theatre floor amongst the audience. Normansfield Theatre Tour Saturday, 21st May 2016. 10:00 am 10am to 12midday Tickets: 10 per person, including refreshments A behind the scenes visit to a Grade II Victorian theatre. Normansfield Theatre is considered to be one of the most important private theatres built in England. We are one of only 2 theatres with the original scene system in place and have the largest collection of restored Victorian scenery. A talk about the entertainment hall and its purpose in the daily life of the hospital. The fixtures and fittings will be examined in detail. There will be a tour around the theatre, stage and back rooms. On show will be a selection of restored Victorian flats depicting a variety of scenery. There will also be an opportunity to view images of our extensive catalogue of restored Victorian scenery. This project, which is being funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, is ongoing. Places are limited, so book early. Call 0333 1212 300 (Mon to Friday 9am to 5pm) or book online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Carmen at Normansfield Sunday, 8th May 2016. 7:30 pm Tickets: 20 and 16 concessions from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk With a roar from the bullring, Bizets masterpiece charges into an evening of compelling entertainment. Sung in English, fully staged and accompanied by The Virtual Reality Orchestra, the story of operas most notorious femme fatale is brought to you by Commedia Productions. Carmen can lay claim to being the most popular opera every written. It is a perfect blend of drama, pure entertainment and memorable melodies. Watoto Choir Concert Thursday, 9th June 2016. 7:00 pm The choir of the Watoto project which raises funds for orphans and other vulnerable young people in Uganda. Performance at St John8217s Church, Church Grove, Hampton Wick. Tickets are free but must be booked in advance through watotouk. eventbrite For more information including a taster video please visit stjohnshamptonwick. org Room for Work FUN RAISER Friday, 6th May 2016. 7:30 pm Come and celebrate the success of Room for Work, your local employability charity. St John8217s Church Church Grove Hampton Wick KT1 4AL The evening includes: a tutored wine tasting featuring delicious and affordable wines a raffle with fun prizes and a silent auction Entry by donation at the door: 20 and 10 concessions RSVP to reserve your place email robinroomforwork. org Village Plan Sofa Consultation Sunday, 12th June 2016. 12:00 pm The council is bringing it8217s 8216Say it on a Sofa8217 Village Plan consultation to the Queen8217s Big Birthday Picnic. Sit down in comfort with local councillors and council staff to give them your views on what you think is important in Hampton Wick and what you8217d like to see in the Village Plan. The Sofa will be at the Queen8217s Big Birthday Picnic on Sunday 12th June, 12 8211 3pm, at King8217s Field on Church Grove. NPL Open House Tuesday, 17th May 2016. 2:00 pm On Tuesday 17 May 2016 the National Physical Laboratory will be opening its doors to the public from 2 pm to 8 pm for Open House 2016. There will be a variety of laboratories open, as well as a programme of short talks and lots of interactive activities on offer. Whether you have visited NPL numerous times, or not at all, this is a great opportunity to find out what goes on inside the laboratories. Its a free event and all are welcome to come, but you must pre-register at npl. co. ukopenhouse National Physical Laboratory Hampton Road Teddington Middlesex UK TW11 0LW npl. co. uk Chestnut Sunday Sunday, 8th May 2016. 12:00 pm Come along and say hello to the HWA at our stall at Chesnut Sunday The famous Chestnut Sunday parade leaves Teddington Gate in Bushy Park at 12 noon and proceeds down Chestnut Avenue to Diana Fountain. Thousands of people come along to Chestnut Sunday every year to enjoy the chestnut blossoms when they are at their finest. Why not join them Bring along a picnic And don8217t forget to come and say hello to us. Friends of Hampton WIck Library History Exhibition Saturday, 30th April 2016. 12:00 am The History of Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club The exhibition is based on the history of the HWRCC and includes references, photos and features of interest about St Johns Church, Kingsfield, the Royal Paddocks Allotments and of course Hampton Wick itself. This fascinating exhibition has been organised by the Friends of Hampton Wick Library. The Library is open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Exhibition in the Library until 30th June Queen Victoria Memorial Plaque Unveiling Wednesday, 20th July 2016. 4:00 pm On Wednesday 20th July, the Hampton Wick Association and the Friends of Hampton Wick Library are holding a celebration to mark the fantastic renovation of the Queen Victoria Memorial Fountain that graces the entrance to our Library. Everyone is invited to join us at the Library between 4pm and 6pm on Wednesday 20th July. The unveiling of the plaque will take place at 5pm. Light refreshments will be served. This will be a relaxed, friendly community get-together. Please come along to show your support for our Library. Poetry Evening at the Library Wednesday, 6th July 2016. 6:00 pm The Friends of Hampton Wick Library invite everyone who enjoys poetry to join David Rees for a convivial evening in the Library. Anyone can contribute by reading a favourite poem or their own work or feel free just to come along and listen. Wine, beer and soft drinks will be available. More details will be available nearer the time. In the meantime, to register your interest or if you have any questions please email infofriendshwlibrary. org. uk . Public Meeting against Heathrow Expansion Thursday, 3rd November 2016. 7:00 pm Dr Tania Mathias MP and Teddington Action Group ( TAG ) invite everyone to a Public Meeting Against Heathrow Expansion to discuss concerns about possible Heathrow Airport expansion. Thursday November 3rd, 7pm 8211 8.30pm Teddingotn Baptist Church, Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8PE Spaces are limited. A Year in the Life of the Royal Paddocks Allotments Thursday, 24th November 2016. 8:00 pm Jenny Bourne is giving a talk hosted by the FBHP on the subject of the Royal Paddocks Allotments 8211 one of Hampton Wick8217s defining features. Everyone is welcome and there will be an opportunity to join the FBHP on the night for those interested. St John Ambulance Hall Park Road Teddington Thursday 24th November, 8pm. For more information please visit fbhp. org. uk Normansfield Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, 26th November 2016. 11:00 am Gifts, ornaments, jewellery, cosmetics, cards, prints, handbags, Christmas decorations and many more handcrafted gifts. Light refreshments will be on sale in our coffee and bookshop. A children8217s craft activity area in the coffee shop will be open all day (1.00 charge per child (aged 2) makingdecorating a Christmas decoration.) All proceeds go to the Down8217s Syndrome association Don Pasquale at Normansfield Sunday, 16th October 2016. 7:30 pm Sunday, 16th October 2016 at 7.30pm Tickets: 2016 from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk The very elderly and very rich bachelor, Don Pasquale, has demanded that his nephew and heir, Ernesto, breaks up with is penniless widow of a girlfriend, Norina, and marry a woman that Don Pasquale has chosen. But Ernesto refuses, because he and Norina truly love one another. Don Pasquale then decides to disinherit Ernesto and get married himself. Don Pasquales best friend is Dr Malatesta, a practical jokester, who foresees disaster and asks Don Pasquale to let him choose the bride. The young girl is not quite as she appears and the comedy begins. Il Barbiere di Siviglia at Normansfield Saturday, 12th November 2016. 7:30 pm Saturday, 12th November 2016 at 7.30pm Tickets: 20 adults and 16 concessions from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Villa InCanto performed this popular opera at Normansfield Theatre in November 2015. It received such positive reviews that several of audience requested a repeat performance for 2016. Were delighted that they will be returning on the evening of 12th November, with the same cast for another outstanding performance. Rossini8217s ever popular comic opera is a tuneful masterpiece. This tells the tale of a quick thinking barber, Figaro, who is paid to help a count, Almaviva to win the woman of his dreams. Almaviva needs to disguise himself more than once to outwit the guardian of Rosina 8211 a perfect young woman as long as you don8217t get in her way. Figaro, of course, will do all he can to ensure that, despite all the guardian8217s attempts, Rosina does indeed end up in the arms of the dashing count. Murder Mystery Evening at Normansfield Saturday, 22nd October 2016. 7:30 pm Saturday, 22nd October 2016 at 7.30pm Tickets are 17 and 15 for concessions, which includes a delicious light 2 course supper Were delighted that Hozz Murder Mysteries are returning to Normansfield Theatre for a third Murder Mystery evening. After the success of Murder on the Queen Mary and Murder at the Hunt they will be returning with In the Bleak Midsummer for this evening of fun. Two couples visit a holiday cottage on the Moor, for a quiet weekend. Its the middle of June but they didnt bargain for a midsummer murder Guests will be seated at tables of 8 to 10 but you dont have to book a whole table. Many guests book individual seats. Its a thoroughly enjoyable evening where guests will Watch the action Collect the clues Interrogate the suspects Name the culprit and win a prize as the winning table Our last 2 Murder Mystery evenings sold out, so book early to guarantee your place Tickets can be booked by calling 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk All proceeds from this evening are going to the Downs Syndrome Association, Charity No 1061474 An Actors Life For Me Friday, 9th September 2016. 7:30 pm Written amp Directed by Malcolm McKee Choreography by Nicola Keen Starring Paul Greenwood, Marilyn Hill Smith, Nicola Keen and Claire Nielson At Normansfield Theatre An Actors Life for Me is a fast-paced, glamorous and hilarious evening of song, dance, sketches and Broadway showstoppers celebrating Life Upon the Wicked Stage. This fabulously entertaining mix of music and comedy is presented by the award-winning Shakespeare Revue Company with a cast featuring stars from the West End, ENO. RSC even The Archers The show features brand new sketches and comedy songs plus a host of classic numbers about the theatre from the pens of Nol Coward, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Kander amp Ebb, Jerome Kern, Tom Lehrer, Johann Strauss II, Oscar Hammerstein, Jule Styne and Stephen Sondheim. Songs include Everythings Coming Up Roses, We Open in Venice, Life Upon the Wicked Stage, Comedy Tonight, Mrs Worthington, Brush Up Your Shakespeare, No Business Like Show Business, Another Opnin Another Show and many more. Ticket prices 18 and 15 concessions. Box office on 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Further information from David Adams Leukaemia Appeal Fund adams. appealvirgin The David Adams Leukaemia Appeal Fund ( DALAF ) is aiming to raise 200,000 to support the building of a new haemato-oncology unit at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton. This project is endorsed by Prince William, Duke of Cambridge The Magic Flute at Normansfield Friday, 18th November 2016. 7:30 pm Richmond Opera (formerly Isleworth Baroque) The Magic Flute by Mozart. A fully staged production to be sung in English with orchestra at the historic Victorian Normansfield Theatre. 7.30pm Friday 18th November 2016, 7.30pm Saturday 19th November 2016 7.30pm Sunday 20th November 2016 Tickets 15 from 0333 1212 300 or online langdondowncentre. org. uk The Magic Flute at Normansfield Saturday, 19th November 2016. 7:30 pm Richmond Opera (formerly Isleworth Baroque) The Magic Flute by Mozart. A fully staged production to be sung in English with orchestra at the historic Victorian Normansfield Theatre. 7.30pm Friday 18th November 2016, 7.30pm Saturday 19th November 2016 7.30pm Sunday 20th November 2016 Tickets 15 from 0333 1212 300 or online langdondowncentre. org. uk The Magic Flute at Normansfield Sunday, 20th November 2016. 7:30 pm Richmond Opera (formerly Isleworth Baroque) The Magic Flute by Mozart. A fully staged production to be sung in English with orchestra at the historic Victorian Normansfield Theatre. 7.30pm Friday 18th November 2016, 7.30pm Saturday 19th November 2016 7.30pm Sunday 20th November 2016 Tickets 15 from 0333 1212 300 or online langdondowncentre. org. uk Opera Encores at Normansfield Sunday, 11th December 2016. 7:30 pm By popular demand, Commedia Productions returns to present another entertaining guided tour through the evolution of opera. The evening is illustrated with more popular highlights performed by a company of professional soloists accompanied by The Virtual Reality Orchestra. Sun 11th Dec at 7.30pm Web. langdondowncentre. org. uk Email. Lesley. alabafdowns-syndrome. org. uk Tel: 0333 1212 300 Tickets. 15.00 Concessions 12.00 ( Disabled access) Normansfield Theatre Langdon Down Centre 2a Langdon Park Teddington TW11 9PS Langdon Down centre is owned and managed by the Downs Syndrome Association Registered Charity Number 1061474 Bushy House Open Day Saturday, 17th September 2016. 10:00 am Bushy House and gardens will be open to the general public on Saturday 17 September (10.00am 5.00pm) as part of Open House London weekend. Bushy House was built for Edward Proger in the 1660s and was the residence of William, Duke of Clarence (later William IV) and his mistress Dora Jordan. It has been part of the National Physical Laboratory ( NPL ) since 1900. Partial access to the ground floor of Bushy House, will include: historic photos and displays. There will also be access to the gardens, which includes the temple, Newtons apple tree and refreshments will be available for purchase in the Orangery. Access to Bushy House via the Queens Road Gate, TW11 0EB (public parking on Dora Jordan Road and Clapperstile car park) and pedestrian access via Canon Road Gate, Bushy Park. Please note that there is very limited access for people with disabilities and no dogs allowed (with the exception of guide and assistance dogs). Entry is FREE npl. co. ukevents Contact: communicationsnpl. co. uk Free Ante-Natal Workshop Saturday, 24th September 2016. 10:00 am Expecting a baby in September 2016 onwards Come along to a FREE antenatal workshop helping you to prepare for the birth of your baby With: Lyndsey Hookway IBCLC International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Paediatric Nurse, Gentle Sleep Coach and Parent Educator Understand your babys behavior Calm, connect and comfort your baby Build your babys brain Avoid common pitfalls when learning to breastfeed your baby How to involve others to help you cope Where: St Johns Church Warehouse, Church Grove, Hampton Wick, KT1 4AL When: Saturday 24th September 2016: 10-12.30 Included: Refreshments, humour, cake, friendly banter, your questions answered by a baby guru, local knowledge, clever tips, comprehensive plan to take away and handouts. No catch, no sales pitch, just a friendly, passionate, local mumprofessional who loves to help parents. How to book: This workshop is free, but spaces are limited to 90, so please email me at lyndseydreamfeeds. co. uk to reserve your space. The Marriage of Figaro at Normansfield Saturday, 15th October 2016. 7:30 pm Thames Philharmonia Opera are performing Mozart8217s immortal opera 8216The Marriage of Figaro8217 performed in its original Italian. The performance is staged with full orchestra 8211 The Thames Philharmonia, conducted by Musical Director Byung-Yun Yu and directed by Sarah De Winter. The production introduces some wonderful up-and-coming principal singers and chorus, including: Crispin Lewis as Figaro Eleanor Hemmens as Susanna Nicholas George as Count Almaviva Tamara Ravenhill as Countess Almaviva Anna McLachlan as Cherubino Saturday 15th October at 7:30 p. m. at Normansfield Theatre Tickets at 20 available from Langdon Down Centre langdondowncentre. org. uk or phone: 0333 1212 300 Teddington Artists Saturday, 8th October 2016. 10:00 am This year Teddington Artists are exhibiting in Normansfield Theatre on 8 and 9 October There are 18 diverse and talented artists showing paintings, printmaking, jewellery, ceramics, photography, sculpture, drawing, and textiles. An exhibition not to be missed, a feast for the senses. We will also have a coffee shop open on both days, and our museum will be open on the Saturday morning from 10am to 1pm. Teddington Artists Sunday, 9th October 2016. 10:00 am This year Teddington Artists are exhibiting in Normansfield Theatre on 8 and 9 October There are 18 diverse and talented artists showing paintings, printmaking, jewellery, ceramics, photography, sculpture, drawing, and textiles. An exhibition not to be missed, a feast for the senses. We will also have a coffee shop open on both days, and our museum will be open on the Saturday morning from 10am to 1pm. Round the Wick History Walk Saturday, 24th September 2016. 11:00 am THE HAMPTON WICK ASSOCIATION AND HAMPTON WICK HISTORY PRESENT SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER AT 11am ROUND THE WICK A GUIDED HISTORY WALK OF HAMPTON WICK BY RAY ELMITT Join Ray Elmitt, author of several books on the history of Hampton Wick, for one of his celebrated walks. The itinerary will take in 10 places of particular historic interest around Hampton Wick dating from the thirteenth to the twentieth century. You will also receive a leaflet showing the 17 English Heritage Grade 2 Listed Buildings that you will pass during the walk. Meet at Hampton Wick Library on Saturday 24 September at 11am 8211 free event duration 1.5 hours 8211 covering 1.5 miles. The walk follows a talk given by Ray the previous evening 8211 DOWN THE DRAIN 8211 click here for details . Walking for Water 2016 Sunday, 16th October 2016. 2:00 pm Women and children walk miles to collect water in rural India. Help Jeevika Trust (the international charity based in Hampton Wick) to raise 5,000 to support villagers to restore reservoirs and rainwater-catchment systems instead. DATE. Sunday 16th October, 2016, 2-5pm MEET. 2pm, Pistachios in the Park, Hampton Wick, Bushy Park, KT1 4ET END. 4.15pm with a tiffin tea and a talk about Jeevika by director Andrew Redpath at the Glass House, Barge Walk, Hampton Wick, KT1 4AB. Jeeviak and their NGO partner in Tamil Nadu work together on restoration programmes to make household and drinking water for 1,000s of villagers available to hand: saving women from walking for hours in extreme heat to fetch water. The target for Walking for Water 2016 is to have 50 walkers sponsored at 100 each can you be one of them If youd like to join in Walking for Water then please sign up by clicking here or by emailing andreejeevika. org. uk Down the Drain History Talk Friday, 23rd September 2016. 7:00 pm A history talk by Ray Elmitt at Hampton Wick Library. One of the most down-to-earth problems facing local communities in the second half of the nineteenth century was how to deal with the human waste generated by their ever-growing population. This talk will reveal how the Hampton Wick Local Board used ingenuity and a capacity for opportunism to create their own unique solution to the problem which still operates to this day. To be held at Hampton Wick Library at 7pm on Friday 23 September. Tickets (3) should be booked for the talk in advance and are available at richmond. gov. uk 1916: The Year War came to Hampton Wick Wednesday, 16th November 2016. 6:00 pm An illustrated talk by local historian Alison Merrington who has spent the last four years researching Hampton Wick during the years of World War I. This fascinating talk will take place in Bullen Hall at 7pm The evening will begin with a drinks reception in the Library from 6pm. Everyone is welcome. Talk and drinks reception: 3.00 per person. Tickets available online at friendshwlibrary. org. uk or on the door on the night. Village Planning consultation drop-in Saturday, 12th November 2016. 10:00 am A Drop-In session where you will be able to view and discuss the draft Supplementary Planning document for Hampton Wick amp Teddington that is out for consultation until 9th December. Make sure your views are heard as planning policy for our area is being shaped Saturday 12th November, 10:00am 4pm St Johns Warehouse Church Grove Hampton Wick Jeevika Lecture by Michael Wood Thursday, 24th November 2016. 6:30 pm Jeevika Trust is delighted to invite you to our Jeevika Lecture 2016. An Illustrated Lecture by Michael Wood on: India and China: Modern Travels in Ancient Civilisations. Presented by the popular broadcaster and historian Michael Wood, whose track record for bringing alive the past has made him a household name, particularly in his epic series for BBC telling 8216The Story of India8217 (2007) and 8216The Story of China8217 (2016). For this illustrated lecture Michael will be drawing on his research and travels, and his passion for history, to explore characteristics of and contrasts between the world8217s oldest surviving civilisation and the oldest surviving state. Before and after the lecture there will be a cash bar and, as at previous Jeevika Lectures, an Indian Bazaar offering a wide range of high quality Indian jewellery, artefacts, clothes and books. Tickets for the event cost 20 (plus booking fee) and are available to purchase via rgslecture. jeevika. org. uk . Any further questions please contact melissajeevika. org. uk . jeevika. org. uk 8211 the international development charity based in Hampton Wick. St Johns Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, 3rd December 2016. 10:00 am Bringing you a festive opportunity to buy locally sourced Christmas gifts plus refreshments and buskers. Prices for all pockets Supporting KCAH (homelessness) and HHA (Haiti) Saturday 3rd December, 10am 8211 5pm St John8217s Hampton Wick Church Grove, KT1 4AL HWA AGM 2017 Wednesday, 22nd March 2017. 7:00 pm NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All members are warmly invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Hampton Wick Association. Wednesday 22nd March 2017 7pm for a 7:30pm start at Bullen Hall The meeting will be preceded by a talk. The talk will be followed by the AGM . Wine and soft drinks will be available. Please do come along and join or renew your membership on the night. Local PLG meeting Thursday, 18th May 2017. 7:30 pm Next Hampton Wick and Teddington Police Liaison Group ( PLG ) meeting is on Thursday 18th May 2017 at St Mary8217s Church Hall at 7.30pm next to St Alban8217s Church Chestnut Sunday Sunday, 14th May 2017. 12:00 am Heathrow extension consultation - Kingston Wednesday, 15th February 2017. 11:00 am There are several forthcoming government run consultations regarding the planned extension of Heathrow airport. Here are some of the local ones: 1. Kingston, Wednesday 15th February 2017 2. Twickenham Thursday 23rd February 2017 3. Richmond, Friday 10th March 2017 Click HERE for more information and to see details for other consultations. Heathrow extension consultation - Twickenham Thursday, 23rd February 2017. 11:00 am There are several forthcoming government run consultations regarding the planned extension of Heathrow airport. Here are some of the local ones: 1. Kingston, Wednesday 15th February 2017 2. Twickenham Thursday 23rd February 2017 3. Richmond, Friday 10th March 2017 Click HERE for more information and to see details for other consultations. Heathrow extension consultation - Richmond Friday, 10th March 2017. 11:00 am There are several forthcoming government run consultations regarding the planned extension of Heathrow airport. Here are some of the local ones: 1. Kingston, Wednesday 15th February 2017 2. Twickenham Thursday 23rd February 2017 3. Richmond, Friday 10th March 2017 Click HERE for more information and to see details for other consultations. Safer Neighbourhood Board meeting Tuesday, 25th April 2017. 6:45 pm Safer Neighbourhood Board ( SNB ) meeting, York House. Doors open about 6:45pm for 7pm. Refreshments provided. Some time is given over to members of the public at the meeting to ask questions. The SNB used to be called the CPP 8211 Community Police Partnership. Martyn Kingsford, PLG Chair is Vice Chair with Martin Sands also on the panel. The Borough Commander attends plus Parks Police etc. London wide issues are discussed. It8217s useful giving an overall Borough view plus London Met Issues view. London Potters Local (4th amp 5th March) Sunday, 5th March 2017. 11:00 am London Potters Local at Normansfield Theatre the Langdon Down Centre 2a Langdon Park, Teddington TW11 9PS March 4-5 2017 11am to 5pm both days For the first time, 21 members of London Potters, the Society funded 30 years ago to promote the knowledge and appreciation of Studio Ceramics, will be showing at the Normansfield Theatre, during the weekend of March 4-5, 2017. The work of these individual designer-makers reflects the variety of forms and functions that clay inspires and enables from functional and everyday objects to collectors items, each piece bears the imprint of the maker each piece is original and a pleasure to hold, to use or to treasure. The Normansfield Theatre is a Grade 2 listed Victorian Theatre in Teddington which is used primarily by drama groups and concerts 8211 a welcoming and apt historical setting for the ancient and enduring craft of working with clay. This event has been made possible by the support of London Potters and the collaboration of Langdon Down Centre. The proceeds from table-hire and the coffee shop which is open both days, will go to the Down8217s Syndrome Association For further information visit: londonpotters For photographs contact Carmela Kantorowicz. For information about the Down8217s Syndrome Association and the venue, contact Lesley Alabaf Gioilla Zordan, 20.1.2017 Feel The Spirit, Hampton Choral Society Saturday, 11th March 2017. 7:30 am Feel The Spirit Hampton Choral Society Saturday 11 March 2017 at 7.30pm Tickets: 12.50 from langdondowncentre. org. uk or 0333 1212 300, or contact bidwell. digmail Hampton Choral Society have been performing an annual concert at Normansfield Theatre for several year. This year, John Rutters Feel The Spirit concert will be a professional accompaniment and soloist, plus solo pieces for the mezzosoprano, and light choral items for the full choir. The Musical Conductor is Richard Harker. Spring Serenade: Not Strictly Just a Song (2:30pm amp 7:30pm) Saturday, 18th March 2017. 7:30 pm String Serenade: Not Strictly Just a Song Cantanti Camerati Saturday 18 March 2017 Tickets: 15 from 0333 1212 300 or online at langdondowncentre. org. uk Join local chamber choir Cantanti Camerati for a lighthearted concert including choral music, solos and audience participation. Stephen Gregson, Conductor, will present a contrasting selection of acapella songs from different eras, new and old, plus music from the stage. With special guests: The Guards Saxophone Quartet from the Corps of Army Music Take our website micro-survey Please tell us what you likedislike about this website as we work to bring you a new revitalised website1095 is a great steel 1095 (and 1084, 1070, 1060, 1050, etc.) Many of the 10-series steels for cutlery, though 1095 is the most popular for knives. When you go in order from 1095-1050, you generally go from more carbon to less, from more wear resistance to less wear resistance, and tough to tougher to toughest. As such, youll see 1060 and 1050, used often for swords. For knives, 1095 is sort of the quotstandardquot carbon steel, not too expensive and performs well. It is reasonably tough and holds an edge well, and is easy to sharpen. It rusts easily. This is a simple steel, which contains only two alloying elements. 95 carbon and .4 manganese. The various Kabars are usually 1095 with a black coating. I made this knife with 1095 and differentially heat treated the blade. the edge is 58 rc while the spine is around 40 rc. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to suddeth For This Useful Post: 12-31-2010, 08:32 PM 1095 is a great steel. If you want to watch a short series of videos about steels from a guy who knows what hes talking about, check out this: depends on the knife maker where I have seen blades made of 52100E go from 250.00 dollars with sheath to 5000.00 dollars with sheath, and also good money for 5160 a well. your best blades to me is 5160 it does not get the credit it deserves 1095 is an ok knife steel but it lacks Chromium that adds toughness to the blade. you can get the same performance from a butcher knife as that as an old hickory and made out of clock spring material 1095-1080-1075 and so one. I dont know every thing and I learn every day. but for a reasonable priced blade hand made custom my favorite is 5160 over 1095 and 01 over 1095. with a triple quenched edge hardened blade. provides longer edge holding and more durability. anyway thats my take. folks but I do like the blend of 1095- 5160 -52100 - and 01 with nickel steel and about 10 to 15 pure iron added in for a for a good strong Damascus blade. but for a carbon steel blade with nothing ells to it but the carbon it is an ok steel. if that is all a person had for survival in the timber for a short or a long period of time you could make it work you would have to. but then you can make a Tin can work as a knife chunk of Glass or what ever you had to. and yes I am new here. hello every one. pleased to meet you. Last edited by LuckyB 02-04-2015 at 05:21 PM. Reason: corecting spelling and adding on. For most people 1095 will compose a knife that will outlive its owner, even if used on a daily basis, as long as it is cared for and well maintained. There is no perfect steel for a knife. They all come with pros and cons. Get a 1095 blade from a good manufacturer for 80-140 and a good sharpening stone or kit and you should be set for some time. Most people will lose a good knife before they will wear it out, so this is one thing to consider when youre investing in steel. The Following User Says Thank You to ThatDamnSasquatch For This Useful Post: 02-08-2015, 06:24 PM 1095 is an excellent steel for a small thin-blade working knife. It used to be standard for scalpels before stainless steel came along. 0.95 carbon is a lot of carbon in the metal though, and it doesnt bend all that well, even after tempering. For bigger blades, 1075 or 1080 (0.75 or 0.80) are a lot more forgiving and less liable to chipping if you bind the blade. Back in the day there were a lot of swords built out of 1075 steel. Im partial to it for files, or for the facing on frizzen pans for fliintlocks. 02-08-2015, 10:32 PM 1095 is used by every major knife makers at lease in one of there products, or a very similar steel in comparison. I like that Ka-Bar uses the chromium and vanadium in there steel. It doesnt make a massive difference but for the same price, it is a bit nicer. Not to start a argument but there arent neccisarly quotbetter steelsquot because it depends on the task. Many say S30V is the best knife steel but the worst choppingmachete steel due to its hardness and price. Look at 440A, crappy for tasks involving long edge retention but if your a diver then its rust resistance to water makes it prime. Ya you have a blade made out of 154CM but its also about the heat treat. If the knife has a spine that is to hard and a edge to soft or if both are hard or soft then you have crap depending on the task. If your looking for a general good steel with low maintence but good edge retention then 154CM, N680, D2, S30V and S90V all are amazing plus more but usually cost 2 to 3 times as much and are far more difficult to sharpen, but if you are looking for more flexibility for chopping and botoning while being able to do simple carving tasks with good edge retention and easy to sharpen then you have 1095, 5160, 1075, the higher 440 series, some tool steels like A1, then you have the mixed steels like 154CM, 420HC, and the AUS series. So all of these steel are good for the qualitys they posses but it comes down to how much you want to spend, what you use it for, and if the heat treat was done good. Canyonlands Day 1 8211 Home to St George Well fly into Las Vegas today and then head north into Canyon Country. Our overnight is in St. George, Utah. We will check into our hotel and then enjoy a great dinner together looking forward to the awesome journey ahead of us. Included Meals: Dinner Hotel: Hampton Inn Day 2 8211 St George to Bryce Canyon Motor toward spectacular Zion National Park. In sheer magnitude and color, Zion is very likely one of the most awe-inspiring National Parks in the world. Well enjoy a Tram ride through the Park and spend time looking up at the magnificent rock formations. A bit of time for a walk down one of the many trails will increase your experience. Lunch will be enjoyed together at the Lodge restaurant before we continue our spectacular journey towards Bryce National Park. Well arrive at the entrance of Bryce National Park and spend the next two nights at the Historic Rubys Inn. Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch Hotel: Rubys Inn Day 3 8211 Bryce Canyon Enjoy breakfast at the hotel before we embark on a day of touring spectacular Bryce Canyon National Park. Experience thousands of delicately carved spires as they rise in brilliant color from the amphitheaters of Bryce Canyon. Millions of years of wind, water and geologic mayhem have shaped and etched the cliffs at Bryce, which isnt actually a canyon but the eastern slope of the Paunsaguant Plateau. Motor along the rim road, where magnificent spires known as hoodoos show colors of pink, orange, and red. We may see wildlife, including elk, coyotes, marmots, and prairie dogs. Bryce Canyon is famous for its hiking trails, offering a closer look at bird species and colorful wildflowers. Return to the inn for a restful evening. Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner Day 4 8211 Bryce Canyon to Moab Today well make our way to Moab, UT. Moab is just outside of Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Our drive will take us through Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument through Capital Reef National Park on the Capital Reef Scenic Byway, passing over Boulder Mountain in the Dixie National Forest. Well travel over the Devils Backbone, one of the most spectacular roads in America as we are awed by the scenery around us. Enjoy dinner at the Red Cliffs Lodge on the banks of the Colorado River. Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Red Cliffs Lodge (2 Nights) Day 5 8211 Arches amp Canyonlands Natl Park Today we tour Arches National Park which contains the worlds largest concentration of natural stone arches. This National Park is a red, arid desert, punctuated with oddly eroded sandstone forms such as fins, pinnacles, spires, balanced rocks, and arches truly miracles of nature. Canyonlands National Park includes a huge area of rugged land west and south of Moab, Utah. It consists of canyons and plateaus carved by two mighty rivers 8211 the Colorado and the Green. Later well return to our hotel for a restful evening. Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner Day 6 8211 Moab to Lake Powell Our first stop today will be at the Navajo Nation Visitor Center at Monument Valley. Here you will have a spectacular view of some of the iconic rock formations in the Valley. Youll see uniquely shaped monoliths, buttes, and mesas of red sandstone from this great vantage point. Can you picture those cowboys on horseback riding across the screen in a John Wayne western Youll have time for a stop in the Trading post before we continue on towards Lake Powell. Our first adventure will be a cruise on Lake Powell to Antelope Canyon. On the cruise you will get an up-close opportunity to view the narrow, colorful, and sculpted geology of the lower end of Lake Powell as you travel in some of the famous slot canyons. Well check into the Lake Powell Resort for a two night stay and enjoy a special dinner this evening in the Rainbow Room Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner Hotel: Lake Powell Resort (2 Nights) Day 7 8211 Lake Powell After enjoying breakfast at the resort, we visit Glen Canyon Dam. Our tour will take us out onto the dam, where our guide will explain how the dam was built and how the power is supplied to much of the area. Later climb aboard rafts for an afternoon float trip down the Colorado River through the awesome Glen Canyon with sandstone canyons that rise a half mile above us. A day you will long remember. Included Meals: Breakfast Day 8 8211 Grand Canyon Enjoy a morning breakfast cruise on Lake Powell 8211 a beautiful way to begin our day. Then well travel to the magnificent Grand Canyon for a jawdropping experience. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon is more than one mile deep and many miles wide 8211 it is one of natures most spectacular examples of erosion. The first glimpse of the Grand Canyon is always breathtaking with its stunning color and vastness. Well motor along the canyon rim taking time for photo stops. Later well enjoy dinner, and look for the sunset over the canyon. Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner Hotel: Yavapai Lodge Day 9 8211 Grand Canyon to Las Vegas Today our travels will take us over the new Hoover Dam bridge where we will have a fantastic view of this magnificent Dam and the river far below. Well make a stop for lunch before continuing into Las Vegas where we will enjoy a free evening and spend the night. Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch Hotel: Monte Carlo or similar Day 10 8211 Las Vegas to Home Spend the morning at leisure in Las Vegas. We will fly home with fresh memories of a wonderful tour through the Canyonlands. Included Meals: Breakfast Flyaway Per Person Pricing Information Double: 3,499 Single: 4,299 Triple: 3,299 Quad: 3,149 Flyaway Travel Protection Per Person Double: 235 Single: 305 Travel Bucks 45 Travel Bucks per person earned with this tour Deposit Due 200 deposit per person due at time of reservation. Full payment due 45 days prior to depart. Passport Needed Light to Moderate Walking Price Includes RT Airfare including taxes, fuel surcharges, baggage fees 18 Meals, Hotels Activities as stated in brochure, Luxury Motorcoach Flyaway Departure Date: Flyaway Return Date: Tour Highlights Arches National Park Canyonlands National Park The Patriarchs of Zion National Park Grand Canyon Tour and Sights Lake Powell Scenic Breakfast Cruise Peaceful Float Trip on Colorado River Glen Canyon Dam Tour Monument Valley Views Antelope Canyon Boat Cruise Hoodoos in Bryce Canyon Natl Park More Options

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